[Ecls-list] Does ECL support SERVE-EVENT?

Brad Beveridge brad.beveridge at gmail.com
Wed Sep 6 22:19:06 UTC 2006

I am writing a console application that uses ncurses, and will need to
respond to sockets.  My target Lisp implementations are primarily ECL
and SBCL.
SBCL has a neat function called SERVE-EVENT, you register various file
descriptors (in my case, each socket and standard input), and
associate callbacks with them.  When the user hits a key, my key
handler will get called, and when data comes in on a socket that
callback will get called, and my main loop basically boils down to
just calling SERVE-EVENT a lot.
At least, that's what I think will happen - I'm not actually at that
stage just yet.
Anyhow - is there something similar in ECL?  If there isn't I will
probably use CFFI to wrap the Posix select call, and do my own version


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