[Ecls-list] Latest changes

Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll lisp at arrakis.es
Mon Apr 24 02:11:26 UTC 2006


these are the latest changes from CVS. Time for a release is coming. I
am now testing the build process in several platforms and, if you do not
complain, I will proceed to pack it all.

* First of all, I got a new Intel iMac and finished the port of ECL to
this platform. There was little to be done. Mostly just changing the
build flags for GMP and porting contrib/sockets/sockets.lisp. There is
no need to use DarwinPorts any more-

* Several fixes in MOP. In particular, slot merging. The bug pointed out
by Michael was due to the fact that when a class redefined a slot, not
all accessors were inherited.

* There was a bug in the code that propagates declarations in LAMBDA

* New type specifiers, such as those created by DEFTYPE, are now taken
into account in declarations. Formerly they were ignored.

* Minor performance improvements in the compiler.



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