[Ecls-list] Making a static library?

Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll lisp at arrakis.es
Wed Oct 26 12:20:24 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2005-10-26 at 11:21 -0700, Greg Pfeil wrote:
> Is it possible to make a libecl.a? I've tried --enable-static,
> --disable-shared, --enable-shared=no, but all to no avail.

"./configure --disable-shared" does the job. The following is my
build directory after reconfiguring and building ECL from CVS with
those flags. Notice that until today, ECL from CVS could not compile 
the static version because the FFI assumed you could use dlopen().
I have fixed that

jlr at mpq3p32:~/src/ecls-new/build$ ls
bare.lsp  compile.lsp    ecl             h           libeclmin.a  MODULES
c         compile.pre    ecl-config      help.doc    libgc.la     share
cinit.o   config.log     ecl-config.pre  libcmp.a    liblsp.a     sysfun.lsp
clos      config.status  ecl_min         libecl.a    lsp          tmp
cmp       doc            gc              libeclgc.a  Makefile



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