[Ecls-list] Question/problem about macro documentation

Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll jlr at mpq.mpg.de
Mon Jun 20 09:46:35 UTC 2005

Goffioul Michael wrote:

>I don't know if I'm doing right, but:
>>defmacro m1 (x) `(list ,x))
>>(setf (documentation 'm1 'function) "Macro doc")
>"Macro doc"
>>(documentation 'm1 'function)
>>(setf (documentation 'm1 'macro) "Macro doc")
>"Macro doc"
>>(documentation 'm1 'macro)
>How am I supposed to set documentation for a macro?
Using 'function documentation type. ECL was using FDEFINITION to 
determine the function object even in the case of a macro, which is 
wrong. Fixed in CVS.

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