[Ecls-list] Google Summer of Code and ECLS

Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll jlr at mpq.mpg.de
Mon Jun 6 06:05:28 UTC 2005

Marco Antoniotti wrote:

> I don't know if you have heard about Google "Summer of Code".  
> However, the LispNYC group has been floating around ideas for 
> projects.  I put forth one that directly involves ECL.
> http://www.alphageeksinc.com/cgi-bin/lispnyc.cgi?MozLisp
> http://www.lispnyc.org
> http://code.google.com/summerofcode.html
> Please let me know if anybody is interested.  I really believe this is 
> a cool idea, but I have no time to implement it. 

Cool! So far availability permits, I am willing to assist people working 
on this project.

As a comment, I find that the person working on this will need more of a 
strong background on Mozilla development than on ECLS :-)

In particular, a probably tricky point will be the mapping between 
Mozilla objects to lisp objects. Many interesting ideas can come out 
here, and some of them could find applicability elsewhere, such as in a 
C++ or ObjectiveC ffi... Just wild ideas...


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