[Ecls-list] Re: CVS documentation skipped?

GP lisper spambait at CloudDancer.com
Thu Aug 18 12:24:52 UTC 2005

On Wed, 17 Aug 2005 12:22:32 +0200, <maciekp at japhy.fnord.org> wrote:
> On Prickle-Prickle, Bureaucracy 10, 3171 YOLD, GP lisper wrote:
>> Within CVS, the docs in ~/ecl-cvs/src/doc are not built after
>> configure --options, and then 'make info.  An endless loop trying to
>> enter a directory results (in an initial attempt).  Looks like there
>> are some useful (OK, at least large) docs available, how do I get to
>> them?
> Works for me (info files are generated when invoking make in top
> directory; should also work when invoking make without target in
> src/doc.  Where did you get `info' target from?).  If make without
> target doesn't work, please send messages from make.

Wrong directory.  ECL uses a 'build' system, the 'src' files are not
compiled directly.  The INFO page is the same as the web page docs.

On a cloudy day,
You hear the cons cells whisper:
"We are lost and gone."  -- Oliver

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