[Ecls-list] doc strings for define-condition

Edi Weitz edi at agharta.de
Wed Jul 16 02:48:03 UTC 2003

Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll <worm at arrakis.es> writes:

> This is because now the cmpffi.lsp file is now always included. The
> problem is that this file is new with respect to ECL_0_9 and "cvs
> rdiff" does not produce a patch for it :-/ I have adopted another
> strategy for making patches now, and use a simple "diff" against the
> sources of the latest release. You can try again
> 	http://ecls.sf.net/patch-0.9-current.gz

I see. FWIW, I've now successfully built ECL with these patches and
HTML-TEMPLATE 0.1.2 works fine if I use the

  (load "load.lisp")
  (load "test.lisp")

procedure. However, I still have issues with MK:DEFSYSTEM. I'm using
the CLOCC snapshot from last night and MK:DEFSYSTEM compiles without a
problem but when trying to build HTML-TEMPLATE from its system
definition I get

  edi at bird:/tmp/html-template-0.1.2 > ecl
  ECL (Embeddable Common-Lisp) 0.9
  Copyright (C) 1984 Taiichi Yuasa and Masami Hagiya
  Copyright (C) 1993 Giuseppe Attardi
  Copyright (C) 2000 Juan J. Garcia-Ripoll
          ECL is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
  under certain conditions; see file 'Copyright' for details.
  Type :h for Help.  Top level.
  > (load "/usr/local/lisp/defsystem")
  ;;; Loading "/usr/local/lisp/defsystem.so"
  ;;; Loading "/usr/local/lib/ecl/cmp.so"
  ;;; Warning: PROCLAIM is being redefined.
  ;;; Warning: COMPILE-FILE-PATHNAME is being redefined.
  ;;; Warning: COMPILE-FILE is being redefined.
  ;;; Warning: COMPILE is being redefined.
  ;;; Warning: DISASSEMBLE is being redefined.
  ;;; Warning: WITH-COMPILATION-UNIT is being redefined.
  ;;; Warning: REQUIRE is being redefined.
  Top level.
  > (mk:compile-system "html-template")
  ;;; Loading T
  NIL cannot be coerced to a pathname.

> It is time, though, to produce a new release, but I had the hope I
> could make the port to Mingw32 before the release -- it is almost
> there, but the posix environment for Mingw32 lies about the paths
> during the configuration process and ECL is not able to bootstrap
> right now.

Yes, a new release would be fine - but take your time.

> Thanks for your patience!

No problem at all! I'm glad to see how fast ECL is getting more usable
and ANSI-compliant almost every day. Without having any data to
confirm this I'd say it has already surpassed Corman Lisp with respect
to standards compliance and isn't far away from CLISP, maybe even
ahead of it. Congratulations!


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