[drakma-devel] [patch] Resubmit drakma timeout for sbcl.

Edi Weitz edi at weitz.de
Mon Mar 28 20:18:33 UTC 2011

Hi Dan!

On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 9:47 PM, Daniel Weinreb <dlw at itasoftware.com> wrote:

> For Lispworks this may
> be difficult; I notice that Hunchentoot also needs
> to have a lot of Lispworks-specfic code.

That's easy to explain: I wrote all of these libraries for my own
professional usage originally and I use LispWorks.  In some cases I
thought the code might be useful for others and so I added
compatibility code for other Lisps.  However, this usually entails
adding a lot of compatibility libraries which means more things the
original library depends on and more code you need to add if you
deliver something to your clients.  It would be easy to get rid of the
LispWorks-specific code and have everything use usocket and such, but
for the reasons mentioned I don't want that.

Therefore, my policy usually is to keep a lean LispWorks kernel and if
possible have others take care of other Lisps - in a way that doesn't
make the code base unnecessarily complicated.

The deadline stuff is special because ITA specifically asked for it
and Hans added it after me grudgingly accepting this change.  If this
could be rolled into usocket as well (even if it's a no-op for all
Lisps except ClozureCL), I'd appreciate that.


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