[drakma-devel] [patch] Resubmit drakma timeout for sbcl.

Nikodemus Siivola nikodemus at random-state.net
Mon Mar 28 19:59:47 UTC 2011

On 28 March 2011 22:47, Daniel Weinreb <dlw at itasoftware.com> wrote:

> I don't know SBCL can't accept :deadline,
> subtract from it the current time, and then use that
> as a :timeout, but maybe there's a good reason for

Not really. The timeout becomes the stream timeout, which is the bound
given to waiting for new input when a buffer needs to be refilled.

Adding stream deadline support for SBCL needs to happen first, really,
unless usocket wants to implement streams from scratch or wrap fd
streams with a grey stream that check the deadline.


 -- Nikodemus

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