[drakma-devel] Re: CLISP problem with READ-SEQUENCE; patch
Pixel // pinterface
pinterface at gmail.com
Sat Mar 22 03:02:32 UTC 2008
"Anton Vodonosov" <avodonosov at yandex.ru> wrote in message
news:1778416840.20080322001226 at yandex.ru...
> Hello.
> When using HTTP-REQUEST for non text content types, we
> have following error in CLISP:
> SYSTEM::STORE: #\< does not fit into #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...), bad
> [snipped Backtrace]
> This is because CLISP doesn't support READ-SEQUENCE on
> a stream having STREAM-ELEMENT-TYPE == 'CHARACTER.
> The patch attached fixes this problem by explicit change
> of stream element type in the DRAKMA::READ-BODY function.
That's odd, I've been using clisp + drakma for months on streams which are a
mixture of ASCII and binary without problems. /me checks something.
Aha! I took a somewhat longer approach and mucked around with
system::read-sequence and system::write-sequence to prefer byte-sequences
over character-sequences (see attached). Never made a patch to CLISP
because I figured it wasn't the right solution so much as something that
happens to work for my particular application.
I like your way better! :)
begin 666 clisp-fix.lisp
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