[drakma-devel] Status text from request (re-post)

H Duerer h.duerer at gmail.com
Wed Jun 27 20:17:23 UTC 2007


sorry about that first email -- I am still learning gmail and hadn't
realised I was rudely sending HTML.
Trying again in plain text:

We have a web server giving Json responses.  For proper failures it
returns a non-200 status code and a failure description in the status
message (e.g. the status line reads "HTTP/1.0 400 Empty method name".
AFAICS this status message is not passed through by Drakma's

I locally made the attached changes (doing so, I found that
read-status-line added the leading separating whitespace to its third
value; I fixed that as well).  Any chance of having this or some other
means to get to the message in the official code?


 diff -rN -u old-drakma/read.lisp new-drakma/read.lisp
--- old-drakma/read.lisp	2007-06-27 12:23:17.000000000 +0100
+++ new-drakma/read.lisp	2007-06-27 12:23:17.000000000 +0100
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
                                             :start (1+ first-space-pos)
                                             :end second-space-pos))
               (error "Status code in ~S is not an integer." line))
-          (and second-space-pos (subseq line second-space-pos)))))
+          (and second-space-pos (subseq line (1+ second-space-pos))))))

 (defun get-content-type (headers)
   "Reads and parses a `Content-Type' header and returns it as
@@ -124,4 +124,4 @@
                              (trim-whitespace (subseq string (1+
old-position) position)))
         while old-position
         when (plusp (length substring))
-        collect substring))
\ No newline at end of file
+        collect substring))
diff -rN -u old-drakma/request.lisp new-drakma/request.lisp
--- old-drakma/request.lisp	2007-06-27 12:23:17.000000000 +0100
+++ new-drakma/request.lisp	2007-06-27 12:23:17.000000000 +0100
@@ -172,15 +172,15 @@
 URI is where the request is sent to, and it is either a string
 denoting a uniform resource identifier or a PURI:URI object.  The
 scheme of URI must be `http' or `https'.  The function returns
-SIX values - the body of the reply \(but see below), the status
+SEVEN values - the body of the reply \(but see below), the status
 code as an integer, an alist of the headers sent by the server
 where for each element the car \(the name of the header) is a
 keyword and the cdr \(the value of the header) is a string, the
 URI the reply comes from \(which might be different from the URI
 the request was sent to in case of redirects), the stream the
-reply was read from, and a generalized boolean which denotes
+reply was read from, a generalized boolean which denotes
 whether the stream should be closed \(and which you can usually
+ignore), and the message text from the response line.

 PROTOCOL is the HTTP protocol which is going to be used in the
 request line, it must be one of the keywords :HTTP/1.0 or
@@ -512,15 +512,15 @@
                          (setf (chunked-stream-output-chunking-p
                                 (flexi-stream-stream http-stream)) nil)
                          (finish-output http-stream)
-                         (multiple-value-bind (server-protocol status-code)
+                         (multiple-value-bind (server-protocol
status-code status-text)
                              ;; loop until status is NOT 100
-                             (loop for (server-protocol status-code nil)
+                             (loop for (server-protocol status-code
                                    = (read-status-line http-stream
                                    when (= status-code 100)
                                    ;; ignore headers sent until
non-100 status is seen
                                    do (read-http-headers http-stream
                                    until (/= status-code 100)
-                                   finally (return (values
server-protocol status-code)))
+                                   finally (return (values
server-protocol status-code status-text)))
                            (let ((headers (read-http-headers
http-stream *header-stream*))
                                  body external-format-body)
                              (let ((connections (header-value
:connection headers)))
@@ -631,7 +631,8 @@
-                                     must-close)))))
+                                     must-close
+                                     status-text)))))
                 (when (eq content :continuation)
                   (return-from http-request #'finish-request))
                 (finish-request content))))

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