[drakma-devel] Problem with Drakma and character encoding

Mathias Dahl mathias.dahl at gmail.com
Mon Jun 4 20:46:33 UTC 2007

> > (defun format-field (name value)
> >   (format nil "--~a~aContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"~a\"~a~a~a~a"
> >           *boundary* +crlf+ name +crlf+ +crlf+ value +crlf+))
> Any reason you're doing all this instead of just using :FORM-DATA?
>  http://weitz.de/drakma/#form-data

I have now tested this and it works like a charm, so I don't need my
hacks anymore. Yay! :)

I first used the :PARAMETERS keyword without specifying the :FORM-DATA
keyword, and that works as well as providing it. Are there any
drawbacks of NOT using :FORM-DATA when just sending form fields (i.e.
no files)? Note: one of the form fields can be quite large (maybe up
to a thousand characters) sometimes.



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