[drakma-devel] Problem with file uploading

Andrei Stebakov lispercat at gmail.com
Wed Feb 14 21:11:55 UTC 2007

Hi Edi,

First of all sorry for bringing it to the lisp NG. I didn't want to discuss
it there, I just wanted to hear what libs are available.
For some reason, my gmail client didn't show your messages so the last one
was the one from Chris.
Basically setting   :CONTENT-LENGTH T and sending a pathname object instead
of string solve the problem. Now I understand that with  :CONTENT-LENGTH nil
it was sending the chunked data. I still don't understand why when I send
the request without  :CONTENT-LENGTH T and giving a file name starting with
p# the lisp process hangs (cmucl), maybe it's just the lisp implementation.
Anyway, the problem solved, thank you Edi and Chris!


On 2/12/07, Edi Weitz <edi at agharta.de> wrote:
> On Mon, 12 Feb 2007 12:53:59 -0800, Chris Dean <ctdean at sokitomi.com>
> wrote:
> > One way to debug the system is to test against your own server.  You
> > could, for example, use hunchentoot to easily create a test
> > webserver.  Once you have control of the server you can debug both
> > sides of the problem.
> Of course, this won't help much if Hunchentoot and the /real/ server
> behave differently.  (See my other email for an example - Hunchentoot
> knows how to handle chunked transfer encoding used by clients, Apache
> 1.x doesn't.)
> Another way to debug Drakma it to use *HEADER-STREAM* to see at least
> the headers flying by.
>   http://weitz.de/drakma/#*header-stream*
> Or use something like Ethereal (or whatever it is called nowadays).
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