[drakma-devel] drakma causes lisp connection close unexpectedly

Chris Dean ctdean at sokitomi.com
Mon Apr 30 23:17:20 UTC 2007

Mostafa Razavi <hom.sepanta at gmail.com> writes:
> I'm starting to use Drakma in a program of mine, and it seems to work
> fine for me except in one strange case. I was trying to retrieve a
> page, with (drakma:http-request "http://cesa.iust.ac.ir/"), that I got
> "Lisp connection closed unexpectedly: exited abnormally with code
> 256".

That call works for me on LispWorks.

However, I've had issues with printing debugging output in my
environment.  I use SLIME and LispWorks and I can get into situations
where I print characters to the repl/interaction buffer and that kills
my LispWorks image.

So, can we have a little more detail?  How are you running sbcl?  Is
it inside SLIME?  Are you trying to print some of the data out to your
screen?  If so, can you try

   (length (drakma:http-request "http://cesa.iust.ac.ir/"))

and see if that works?

For me on LispWorks I get:

  (length (drakma:http-request "http://cesa.iust.ac.ir/")) => 71253

When I print out the data, I get utf-8 data in a language I can't read
(perhaps Farsi, but I really have no idea!).

Chris Dean

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