[drakma-devel] drakma:http-request sometimes returns nil

Edi Weitz edi at agharta.de
Tue Apr 10 14:04:34 UTC 2007

On Tue, 10 Apr 2007 10:00:43 -0400, "Andrei Stebakov" <lispercat at gmail.com> wrote:

> I wish I could provide the test case but in this case I log on to
> the server, it gives the the secure token which I use later to do
> the file upload.

Maybe the secure token only has a limited TTL?  But, still, Drakma
shouldn't simply return NIL.

> I call the http-request with :method :post, :form-data t,
> :content-length t. The rest are parameters to the POST.  Anyway,
> I'll keep an eye on it and when I can I'll provide the test case.

You could use *HEADER-STREAM* to see what's happening.  Or, even
better, you could use WireShark to log the whole HTTP traffic.  If the
problem resurfaces, you'll just have to extract the relevant part.

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