[clouchdb-devel] INVOKE-VIEW Bug

Nate Young youngnh at gmail.com
Thu Jun 11 14:58:11 UTC 2009

Hi, I'm running a CouchDB v0.9.0 server, and the following code
results in a ((:|error| . "not_found") (:|reason| . "missing"))

(create-ps-view "company"
  (ps-view ("all")
    (defun map (doc)
      (with-slots (type) doc
        (if (eql "customer" type)
          (emit null doc))))))

(invoke-view "company" "all")

I think this is related to the way clouchdb is creating its view id,
it should be requesting "_design/company/_view/all" but is instead
requesting "_view/company/all".  I don't know if this is a version
issue or not, but I've attached a patch that makes it work for me.

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