[clouchdb-cvs] CVS clouchdb/src

peddy peddy at common-lisp.net
Sat Jan 19 20:18:57 UTC 2008

Update of /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/src
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv31191/src

Modified Files:
	tests.lisp package.lisp encoder.lisp clouchdb.asd 
	changelog.txt cache.lisp 
Log Message:

--- /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/src/tests.lisp	2008/01/07 01:21:24	1.10
+++ /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/src/tests.lisp	2008/01/19 20:18:57	1.11
@@ -366,17 +366,17 @@
 (addtest (clouchdb-doc-api-tests)
   (:documentation "Create a document with create-document")
-  (ensure (document-property :|ok| (create-document '((:a "test"))))))
+  (ensure (document-property :|ok| (create-document '((:a . "test"))))))
 (addtest (clouchdb-doc-api-tests)
   (:documentation "Create document with create-document, specify document ID")
-  (ensure (document-property :|ok| (create-document '((:a "test")) :id "specified"))))
+  (ensure (document-property :|ok| (create-document '((:a . "test")) :id "specified"))))
 (addtest (clouchdb-doc-api-tests)
   (:documentation "Create a document with a duplicate ID")
-  (ensure (document-property :|ok| (create-document '((:a "test")) :id "specified")))
+  (ensure (document-property :|ok| (create-document '((:a . "test")) :id "specified")))
   (ensure-condition 'id-or-revision-conflict
     (create-document '((:a "test")) :id "specified")))
--- /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/src/package.lisp	2008/01/07 01:21:24	1.6
+++ /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/src/package.lisp	2008/01/19 20:18:57	1.7
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 (cl:in-package :cl-user)
 (defpackage :clouchdb
-  (:use :cl :drakma :flexi-streams)
+  (:use :cl :drakma :flexi-streams :s-base64)
   (:export :*scheme*
--- /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/src/encoder.lisp	2008/01/07 01:21:24	1.6
+++ /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/src/encoder.lisp	2008/01/19 20:18:57	1.7
@@ -127,10 +127,15 @@
         ((listp d)
          (write-list d stream))))
+(defun document-to-json-stream (doc stream)
+  "Encode document to stream with special support for detecting and
+handling associative lists."
+  (if (null doc)
+      (write-string "{}" stream)
+      (encode doc stream)))
 (defun document-to-json (doc)
-  "Encode document with special support for detecting and handling
-associative lists."
+  "Encode document to string with special support for detecting and
+handling associative lists."
  (with-output-to-string (stream)
-   (if (null doc)
-       (write-string "{}" stream)
-       (encode doc stream))))
+   (document-to-json-stream doc stream)))
--- /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/src/clouchdb.asd	2007/12/28 16:25:51	1.4
+++ /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/src/clouchdb.asd	2008/01/19 20:18:57	1.5
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
   :version #.*clouchdb-version*
   :depends-on (:drakma
+               :s-base64
   :components ((:file "package")
                (:file "clouchdb")
--- /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/src/changelog.txt	2007/12/21 19:58:32	1.6
+++ /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/src/changelog.txt	2008/01/19 20:18:57	1.7
@@ -1,4 +1,13 @@
+  - Function set-document-property now operates non-destructively, be
+    sure existing code is using use function's result.
+  - Added function query-document to make it easier to extract the
+    interesting portions of complex documents. Inspired by xpath style
+    queries.
+  - Added hooks to intercept document fetching and updating/creating.
   - Copied and modified cl-json encoding functions to better handle
     conversion of lisp associative lists to json data types.
--- /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/src/cache.lisp	2008/01/12 20:44:41	1.2
+++ /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/src/cache.lisp	2008/01/19 20:18:57	1.3
@@ -24,9 +24,8 @@
 (in-package :clouchdb)
-;;; This is an implementation of a most recently used cache. It's
-;;; primary data structures are a hashtable and a doubly linked list
-;;; list.
+;;; This is an implementation of a most recently used (MRU)
+;;; cache. Random access to cached data is through a hashtable,
 (proclaim '(inline cache-size rmcache))
@@ -36,20 +35,16 @@
 ;; The cache data structure
 (defstruct cache 
   hashtable head tail 
+  remove-notify-fn add-notify-fn
   (max-size 300 :type integer))
-(defun make-mru-cache (&key (size 100) (rehash-size 100)
-                      (rehash-threshold 0.9) (max-size 300)
-                      (test #'eql))
-  "Make a new MRU cache."
-  (make-cache :hashtable (make-hash-table :size size 
-                                          :test test
-                                          :rehash-size rehash-size
-                                          :rehash-threshold rehash-threshold)
-              :max-size max-size))
+;; Cache Helper Functions
-(defun remove-element (element cache)
-  "Remove specified element from cache linked list"
+(defun rm-element (element cache)
+  "Remove specified element from cache linked list, adjust cache head
+and tail if apropriate."
   (if (cached-previous element)
       (setf (cached-next (cached-previous element)) (cached-next element))
       (setf (cache-head cache) (cached-next element)))
@@ -57,14 +52,10 @@
       (setf (cached-previous (cached-next element)) (cached-previous element))
       (setf (cache-tail cache) (cached-previous element))))
-(defun cache-size (cache)
-  "Return number of elements in cache."
-  (hash-table-count (cache-hashtable cache)))
 (defun move-to-head (element cache)
-  "Move specified cache element to top of cache"
+  "Move specified cache element to head of cache doubly linked list."
   (unless (eq (cache-head cache) element)
-    (remove-element element cache)
+    (rm-element element cache)
     (setf (cached-previous element) nil)
     (let ((old-head (cache-head cache)))
       (setf (cache-head cache) element)
@@ -86,42 +77,87 @@
            (setf (cached-next element) head)))
     (setf (cache-head cache) element)))
-(defun get-cached (key cache)
-  "Get cached value by key."
+(defun rm-cache (element cache)
+  "Remove element from hashtable and linked list, call the remove
+notification method if it has been specified."
+  (rm-element element cache)
+  (remhash (cached-key element) (cache-hashtable cache))
+  (when (cache-remove-notify-fn cache)
+    (funcall (cache-remove-notify-fn cache) 
+             (cached-key element) (cached-value element) cache)))
+;; Public API
+(defun make-mru-cache (&key (size 100) (rehash-size 100)
+                      (rehash-threshold 0.9) (max-size 300)
+                      (test #'eql) remove-notify-fn)
+  "Make a new MRU cache. Arguments are the same as for
+make-hash-table, except for max-size, which limits the cache to a
+specific size."
+  (make-cache :hashtable (make-hash-table :size size 
+                                          :test test
+                                          :rehash-size rehash-size
+                                          :rehash-threshold rehash-threshold)
+              :remove-notify-fn remove-notify-fn
+              :max-size max-size))
+(defun get-cached (key cache &key (update-mru t))
+  "Get cached value by key, move cached element to top of MRU list,
+unless update-mru is false."
   (let ((element (gethash key (cache-hashtable cache))))
-    (when element
+    (when (and element update-mru)
       (move-to-head element cache)
       (cached-value element))))
-(defun rmcache (element cache)
-  "Remove element from hashtable and linked list."
-  (remove-element element cache)
-  (remhash (cached-key element) (cache-hashtable cache)))
+(defun cache-size (cache)
+  "Return the number of elements in the cache."
+  (hash-table-count (cache-hashtable cache)))
 (defun (setf get-cached) (value key cache)
   "Add new cached value or update current value associated with
-key. Moves cached element to top of cache list. May result in least
-recently used element element being removed."
+key. Moves new or updated cache element to top of cache list. May
+result in least recently used element element being removed."
   (let ((element (gethash key (cache-hashtable cache))))
     (cond ((null element)
             (setf (gethash key (cache-hashtable cache))
                   (make-cached :key key :value value))
-            cache))
+            cache)
+           (when (cache-add-notify-fn cache)
+             (funcall (cache-add-notify-fn cache) key value cache)))
            (move-to-head element cache)
            (setf (cached-value element) value)
            (move-to-head element cache)))
     (when (> (cache-size cache)
              (cache-max-size cache))
-      (rmcache (cache-tail cache) cache))
+      (rm-cache (cache-tail cache) cache))
 (defun remove-cached (key cache)
   "Remove specified element from cache"
   (let ((element (gethash key (cache-hashtable cache))))
     (when element
-      (rmcache element cache))))
+      (rm-cache element cache)
+      element)))
+(defun clear-cache (cache)
+  "Clear all data from cache."
+  (clrhash (cache-hashtable cache))
+  (setf 
+   (cache-head cache) nil
+   (cache-tail cache) nil))
+(defun map-cache (fn cache)
+  "Iterates over all entries in the cache. For each entry the function
+fn is called with two arguments, the cache key and the cached
+value. The function can change the cached value with setf of get-cache
+or it can remove the cache entry with remove-cached."
+  (maphash #'(lambda (k v)
+               (funcall fn k (cached-value v)))
+           (cache-hashtable cache)))
 ;; Tests and test helper functions

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