[clouchdb-cvs] CVS clouchdb/src

peddy peddy at common-lisp.net
Sat Jan 19 20:15:44 UTC 2008

Update of /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/src
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv31043/src

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Log Message:

--- /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/src/clouchdb.lisp	2008/01/07 01:21:24	1.18
+++ /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/src/clouchdb.lisp	2008/01/19 20:15:44	1.19
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: COMMON-LISP; Package: CLOUCHDB; Base: 10 -*-
+I;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: COMMON-LISP; Package: CLOUCHDB; Base: 10 -*-
 ;;; Copyright (c) 2007 Peter Eddy. All rights reserved.
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
 (defvar *protocol* "http" "http or https")
 (defvar *document-update-fn* nil)
 (defvar *document-fetch-fn* nil)
-(defvar *raw-json* nil)
 (defvar *text-types* 
   '(("text" . nil) 
@@ -136,7 +135,9 @@
 (define-condition id-missing (doc-error)
-  (:report (lambda (condition stream) (format stream "No ID specified"))))
+  (:report (lambda (condition stream) 
+             (declare (ignore condition))
+             (format stream "No ID specified"))))
 (define-condition document-missing (doc-error) 
@@ -188,10 +189,10 @@
 probably way too inefficient, but it seems to work."
   (octets-to-string (string-to-octets string :external-format encoding)))
-(defun url-encode (string)
+(defun url-encode (string &key (external-format +utf-8+))
   "URL-encode a string."
   (with-output-to-string (s)
-    (loop for c across (convert-encoding string +utf-8+)
+    (loop for c across (convert-encoding string external-format)
           do (cond ((or (char<= #\0 c #\9)
                         (char<= #\a c #\z)
                         (char<= #\A c #\Z)
@@ -201,6 +202,22 @@
                      (write-string "%20" s))
                    (t (format s "%~2,'0x" (char-code c)))))))
+;; (defun alist-to-url-encoded-string (alist &key (external-format +utf-8+))
+;;   "ALIST is supposed to be an alist of name/value pairs where both
+;; names and values are strings.  This function returns a string where
+;; this list is represented as for the content type
+;; `application/x-www-form-urlencoded', i.e. the values are URL-encoded
+;; using the external format EXTERNAL-FORMAT, the pairs are joined with a
+;; #\\& character, and each name is separated from its value with a #\\=
+;; character."
+;;   (with-output-to-string (out)
+;;     (loop for first = t then nil
+;;           for (name . value) in alist
+;;           unless first do (write-char #\& out)
+;;           do (format out "~A=~A"
+;;                       (url-encode name :external-format external-format)
+;;                       (url-encode value :external-format external-format)))))
 (defun make-uri (&rest rest)
   "Return a URI containing *protocol*://*host*:*port*/ and the
 concatenation of the remaining parameters."
@@ -271,14 +288,9 @@
            (gethash name doc))
           (t (cdr (assoc name doc))))))
-(defun document-id (doc)
-  "Shortcut for getting the ID from the specified document. First
-  checks for :|_id| property, then :|id|"
-  (or (document-property :|_id| doc)
-      (document-property :|id| doc)))
 (defun (setf document-property) (value name doc)
-  "Allows setting of document properties in place (destructively)."
+  "Allows setting of existing document properties in
+place (destructively)."
   (let ((name (as-keyword-symbol name)))
     (cond ((hash-table-p doc)
            (setf (gethash name doc) value))
@@ -287,13 +299,43 @@
 (defun set-document-property (doc name value)
   "Set a property of a document. If the named property does not exist,
-create it otherwise modify the existing value. May or may not
-destructively modify document, so be sure to use return value."
-  (if (assoc name doc)
-      (setf (document-property name doc) value)
-      (cons `(,(as-keyword-symbol name) . ,value) doc)))
+add it to the document, otherwise change the existing value.  Does not
+destructively modify input document, so be sure to use return value."
+  (let ((doc (copy-tree doc)))
+    (if (assoc name doc)
+        (setf (document-property name doc) value)
+        (cons `(,(as-keyword-symbol name) . ,value) doc))))
+(defun document-id (doc)
+  "Shortcut for getting the ID from the specified document. First
+  checks for :|_id| property, then :|id|"
+  (or (document-property :|_id| doc)
+      (document-property :|id| doc)))
 (defun query-document (query doc)
+  "Return a list of all values in the document matching the query. For
+example, given the document:
+  ((:values (((:a . 1) (:b . 2)) ((:a . 3) (:b . 4)))))
+the query string '(:values :a) will return (3 1), i.e. the value of
+both :a associations. 
+One special query input value is :* which is a 'wildcard'. With the
+document described above the query '(:values :*) will return (4 3 2
+1), or the values of all associations directly below :values. The
+query '(:* :*) on this document will also return (4 3 2 1).
+Another special query input value is :**, which recursively matches
+the next query input. For example, with the following document:
+  ((:level1 . ((:level2 . (((:level3 . 1)))))))
+The query '(:** :level3) will return (1), the value
+of :level3. Finally, functions can specified in the query. Functions
+are called with the portion of the document matched to the previous
+query element and can either return the document, return a different
+document or null."
   (let ((res))
     (labels ((q (query doc rec)
                ;;(format t "~%test: r=~s, query=~s doc=~s~%" rec query doc)
@@ -328,46 +370,37 @@
       (q query doc nil)
-;; (defun print-ds (doc)
-;;   (labels ((indent (n) (dotimes (ii n) (format t "  ")))
-;;            (pr (doc in)
-;;              (when doc
-;;                (indent in)
-;;                (format t "~%kw?: ~s = ~s~%" doc (assoclp doc))
-;;                (cond ((and (listp doc) (eq :* (car doc)))
-;;                       (format t "(:*")
-;;                       (pr (cdr doc) (1+ in)))
-;;                      ((assoclp doc)
-;;                       (format t "~%")
-;;                       (dolist (e doc)
-;;                         (pr e (1+ in))))
-;;                      ((keyword-assocp doc)
-;;                       (format t "(:~a " (car doc))
-;;                       (pr (cdr doc) in)
-;;                       (format t "~%"))
-;;                      ((keywordp doc)
-;;                       (format t "~s " doc))
-;;                      (t (format t "~s" doc))))))
-;;     (pr doc 0)))
-(defun db-request (uri &rest keys &key &allow-other-keys)
+(defun db-request (uri &rest args &key &allow-other-keys)
   "Used by all Couchdb APIs to make the actual REST request."
-  ;;(format t "uri: ~S~% keys: ~S~%" (make-uri uri) keys)
+  ;;(format t "uri: ~S~% args: ~S~%" (make-uri uri) args)
   (let ((*text-content-types* *text-types*))
     (multiple-value-bind (body status headers uri stream must-close reason-phrase)
-	(apply #'drakma:http-request (make-uri uri) keys)
+	(apply #'drakma:http-request (make-uri uri) args)
+      (declare (ignore reason-phrase stream uri headers status))
 ;;      (format t "  -> uri: ~S~%" uri)
 ;;      (format t "  -> headers: ~S~%" headers)
       (cond (must-close
 ;;             (format t "body: ~S~%" body)
-             (setf *raw-json* body)
              (json-to-document body))
             (t nil)))))
+;; (defun cached-db-request (cache uri &rest args &key parameters &allow-other-keys)
+;;   "If a cache is supplied try it first before reqesting from
+;; server. Cache result if cache is not nil."
+;;   (cond (cache
+;;          (let ((cache-key (if parameters (cons uri parameters) uri)))
+;;            (format t "cache key: ~s~%" cache-key)
+;;            (let ((cached (get-cached cache-key cache)))
+;;              (cond (cached
+;;                     cached)
+;;                    (t
+;;                     (setf (get-cached cache-key cache) (apply #'db-request uri args)))))))
+;;         (t (apply #'db-request uri args))))
@@ -557,6 +590,13 @@
       `(:|_attachments| . ,encoded))))
+;; (defun update-document-cache (url)
+;;   "Called when a document has been updated on the server. Used for
+;; clearing associated cache data and firing notification functions."
+;;   (when *document-cache*
+;;     (format t "removing cached document: ~s~%" url)
+;;     (remove-cached url *document-cache*)))
 (defun put-document (doc &key id attachments)
   "Create a new document or update and existing one. If the document
 is new an ID must be specified (but see post-document). If the
@@ -578,30 +618,31 @@
 	   (setf doc (document-properties doc))))
     (when attachments
       (setf doc (cons (encode-attachements attachments) doc)))
-      ;;(format t "doc: ~S~%" doc))
-    (let ((res (ensure-db ()
-                 (db-request (cat (url-encode *db-name*) "/" 
-                                  (url-encode (if id id current-id)))
-                             :content-type "text/javascript"
-                             :external-format-out +utf-8+
-                             :content-length nil
-                             :content (document-to-json 
-                                       (document-update-notify 
-                                        *document-update-fn* doc))
-                             :method :put))))
+    (let ((res (ensure-db () (db-request (cat (url-encode *db-name*) "/" 
+                                              (url-encode (if id id current-id)))
+                                         :content-type "text/javascript"
+                                         :external-format-out +utf-8+
+                                         :content-length nil
+                                         :content (document-to-json 
+                                                   (document-update-notify 
+                                                    *document-update-fn* doc))
+                                         :method :put))))
       (when (document-property :|error| res)
-	(error (if (equal "conflict" (document-property :|error| res)) 
-		   'id-or-revision-conflict 'doc-error)
-	       :id (if id id current-id)
-	       :reason (document-property :|reason| res)))
+        (error (if (equal "conflict" (document-property :|error| res)) 
+                   'id-or-revision-conflict 'doc-error)
+               :id (if id id current-id)
+               :reason (document-property :|reason| res)))
 (defun post-document (doc)
-  "Put the potentially modified document back on the server or, if the
-document contains no ID, create a document and let the server assign
-one. The return value includes the document ID in the :ID property."
-  (let ((res (ensure-db ()
-               (db-request (cat (url-encode *db-name*) "/")
+  "Post the document to the server, creating a new document. An
+existing _id in the document will be ignored, the server will create a
+new document and assign a new ID. Therefore this is an easy method for
+copying documents. The return value includes the document ID in
+the :ID property."
+  (let* ((url (cat (url-encode *db-name*) "/"))
+         (res (ensure-db ()
+                (db-request url
                            :content-type "text/javascript"
                            :external-format-out +utf-8+
                            :content-length nil
@@ -617,12 +658,11 @@
   (if id
       (put-document doc :id id :attachments attachments)
-      (post-document doc :attachments attachments)))
+      (post-document doc)))
 (defun bulk-document-update (docs)
   "Update multiple documents in a single request. The docs parameter
-should be a list of documents. Each document in the list may be in the
-form of a hash table or an associative list."
+should be a list of documents."
   (ensure-db () 
     (db-request (cat (url-encode *db-name*) "/_bulk_docs")
 		:method :post
@@ -635,15 +675,20 @@
 		     " ] "))))
 (defun delete-document (&key document id revision if-missing)
-  "Delete a document. By default delete the current revision of the
-document. If specified, the document parameter must include the
-CouchDb special variables :_id and :_rev. If the id is speicified but
-not the revision, the current document will be fetched and it's
-revision number will be used for the delete."
+  "Delete a revision of a document. If the id parameter is provided
+but not the revision, the current document will be fetched and it's
+revision number will be used for the delete. If specified, the
+document parameter must include the CouchDb special properties :|_id|
+and :|_rev|. At most one revision of the document will be deleted."
   (labels ((del (id rev)
-	     (db-request (cat (url-encode *db-name*) "/" (url-encode id) "?rev=" 
-                              (url-encode (value-as-string rev)))
-			 :method :delete)))
+             (let ((res (ensure-db () 
+                          (db-request 
+                           (cat (url-encode *db-name*) "/" (url-encode id)
+                                "?rev=" (url-encode (value-as-string rev)))
+                           :method :delete))))
+               (when (document-property :|error| res)
+                 (error 'doc-error) :id id :reason (document-property :|reason| res))
+               res)))
     (cond ((not (null document))
 	   (delete-document :id (document-property :|_id| document)
 			    :revision (document-property :|_rev| document)
@@ -657,6 +702,7 @@
              (when doc
                (del id (document-property :|_rev| doc)))))
 	  (t (del id revision)))))
 ;; Views API

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