[closure-devel] Error loading closure-html

Joerthan Panest joerthan.panest at gmail.com
Sun Jul 11 02:09:33 UTC 2010

The error was due to my having set cl:*print-case*  to :upcase, which
resulted in the (clex:deflexer dtd ...) creating |MAKE-dtd-LEXER|, rather
than the anticipated MAKE-DTD-LEXER.

On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 6:16 PM, Joerthan Panest
<joerthan.panest at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello,
> With a fresh install of closure-html (and all dependencies) in LispWorks I
> am getting the below error (with inlined comments by me). I'm new to
> closure-html so I'm looking into this, but I figured I'd put this out here
> in case any one can help, or as a placeholder for a hopeful solution to
> follow. I also tried this by checking it the git repository with no luck.
> ;; I assume this is no problem, but thought I would include it for
> completeness
> Warning: (defparameter sgml::*simple-catalog*) being redefined in
> closure-html-2008-11-30\src\parse\html-parser.lisp (previously in
> closure-html-2008-11-30\src\parse\sgml-dtd.lisp).
> ;; I see the deflexer dtd call above, which I believe should define this
> Error: Undefined function sgml::make-dtd-lexer called with arguments
> (#<stream::latin-1-file-stream
> closure-html-2008-11-30\resources\dtd\DTD-HTML-4.0-Frameset>).
> -joerthan
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