[closure-devel] PATCH: HTTP and HTTPS support via the Drakma library

David Lichteblau david at lichteblau.com
Fri Dec 29 22:39:19 UTC 2006


Quoting Eric Marsden (eric.marsden at free.fr):
> Unlike the current Closure code, the library supports HTTPS and
> HTTP/1.1. I see this as an opportunity to replace some of the
> undermaintained code in Closure by high quality external libraries;
> this concerns
>    src/net/http.lisp  (replaced by Drakma)

if Drakma lives up to the standard of all other "Edi-ware", that sounds
like a good idea.

It would be nice if we could remove as much implementation-dependent
code as possible in favour of /good/ abstractions.

According to Drakma's web page, it uses trivial-sockets, which isn't
really that much better than what we have in glisp already.  Since
usocket appears to have compatibility code for trivial-sockets, would it
be a good idea to migrate to usocket for all of closure's socket needs?

>    src/net/url.lisp   (partially replaced by PURI)
>    src/net/uri.lisp   (ditto)

Hmm, I started using PURI in CXML without thinking much about it, and it
certainly works, but how good is it really?  Perhaps we should improve
Closure's URI support instead?

I would switch CXML to "Closure-URI" if that happened.


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