[closer-devel] Adding dynamic-wind to ContextL

Pascal Costanza pc at p-cos.net
Sat Nov 21 19:47:33 UTC 2009


There is now a separate system definition for dynamic-wind functionality in the repository. I'm still using the same package structure, and no separate repository, because I changed my mind again and think that it's too much overhead. However, the dynamic-wind part can now be used independently of the CLOS extensions of ContextL, and now works in Scieneer Common Lisp, for example.


On 16 Nov 2009, at 14:39, Pascal Costanza wrote:

> OK, I found another good reason why separating out dynamic-wind is a good idea: The implementation of dynamic-wind is independent of the CLOS MOP, and doesn't even require CLOS. So it should be much better portable than the rest of ContextL.
> So I will do this. It will take a little while though, so don't hold your breath...
> Best,
> Pascal
> On 15 Nov 2009, at 18:07, Attila Lendvai wrote:
>>>> I can relate to that. I'd be fine if the dynamic-wind stuff came in its
>>>> own defsystem, but is distributed with ContextL. It's like the "use the
>>>> most specific function" rule of thumb.
>>> Is that common practice in other CL libraries?
>>> Do I understand the idea right? I set up the same package
>>> and export the same symbols as before, but only implement
>>> a subset of them, by loading only a subset of the implementation
>>> files, and I do this by defining a system that only specifies that
>>> subset of the implementation files. Is that correct?
>> people (well, we) usually create a new separate system definition and
>> a separate package for a standalone functionality. if the
>> functionality is tightly coupled then it's a good idea to keep them in
>> one repo, but we usually just set up also a new repo for the
>> standalone part. and a new project was just born.
>> we do the same-repo/different-system practice for things like
>> hu.dwim.util, which contains various other systems which are not
>> really useful libraries in themselves, but at the same time we don't
>> want to force their dependencies on all our libs that use parts of
>> hu.dwim.util.
>> hu.dwim.wui is our web server, and it has several asdf systems that
>> bring in more and more machinery that build on each other. then users
>> can chose how much of it they need. we use a shared hu.dwim.wui
>> package for them, but we keep the exports at the definition sites (as
>> opposed to a central package.lisp), so that's not a big issue.
>> but back to dynamic wind: the cost for running a separate project
>> seems big, but if you look at it from the point of view that it's just
>> a new darcs repo next to contextl, then it doesn't seem so bad. so,
>> i'd set up a new repo, a new package, move the code there, and then we
>> have one more CL lib... :)
>> just some 0.02,
>> -- 
>> attila
> -- 
> Pascal Costanza, mailto:pc at p-cos.net, http://p-cos.net
> Vrije Universiteit Brussel
> Software Languages Lab
> Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussel, Belgium
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Pascal Costanza, mailto:pc at p-cos.net, http://p-cos.net
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Software Languages Lab
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussel, Belgium

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