[closer-devel] lw-compat dependency of closer-mop
Pascal Costanza
pc at p-cos.net
Fri Apr 13 11:40:29 UTC 2007
On 13 Apr 2007, at 13:32, Attila Lendvai wrote:
>> Both ContextL and Closer to MOP use lw-compat in a few places, so I
>> would indeed need to provide duplicate functionality in both
>> projects. That's not so nice, especially because LispWorks already
>> provides these operators.
> oops, seems like my scanning was too sloppy.
No problem - it's indeed only two or three places where they are
used, so they are easy to miss.
>> I actually would like to keep this separation. What specific problems
>> do you encounter? (Maybe you can convince me that it is indeed too
>> much of a hassle...)
> the only problem is that ucw already depends on a lot of packages and
> for a moment i played with the idea of using closer-mop. but arnesi
> provides a MOPP package and it's already a dependency, so i may just
> leave things as they are and do not introduce two more dependencies.
Why don't you ask them to switch to Closer to MOP? ;)
> so, there's no actual problem, only a cry for a better package
> management for lisp... :)
Yes, that would be good (but outside of the scope of the closer
project :-D ).
> anyway, thanks for the quick answer and sorry for my sloppiness,
No problem.
Pascal Costanza, mailto:pc at p-cos.net, http://p-cos.net
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Programming Technology Lab
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussel, Belgium
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