[climacs-devel] Re: Build breakage: missing class CHAR-CODE-LIST-LEXEME

Troels Henriksen athas at sigkill.dk
Sun Jun 15 09:13:07 UTC 2008

Maciej Katafiasz <mathrick at gmail.com> writes:

> 1) I don't know where to put FORMAT-SYM. It should be in some widely-
> accessible place, ideally a CL-UTILS package of sorts, so that hopefully 
> people will finally get it right wrt. symbols and case... Anyway, 
> Clim(acs) package structure confuses me to no end, what with :CLIM and 
> friends not using :CL for example. So here you have the code, and you 
> pick where to stick it in.

I put it in ESA-UTILS, which just happens to be the util package I
have available without adding more dependencies.

The package structure for CLIM programs is actually fairy simple:
instead of USEing CL, you USE CLIM-LISP. That's all there is to it.

> 2) Not directly related, but I stumbled upon the following odd snippet. 
> Why doesn't it simply return "C"?
> [c-syntax.lisp:49]
> (defmethod name-for-info-pane ((syntax c-syntax) &key pane)
>   (declare (ignore pane))
>   (format nil "C"))

Probably just copied from Lisp syntax, which used to create a more
interesting string.

> 3) And finally, the patch against Climacs CVS. I tried to identify all 
> spots where I believe symbols were being manipulated, tell me if I got 
> something wrong or missed anything. Similar treatment would be in order 
> for the entirety of McCLIM, I imagine, but I want to stick just to 
> Climacs first.
Looks fine to me, I just committed it. Thanks!

\  Troels
/\ Henriksen

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