[clfswm-devel] Mplayer Window suddenly disappears when started in fullscreen

Renaud Casenave-Péré renaud at casenave-pere.fr
Sat Mar 16 09:34:37 UTC 2013


For some time now, when I try to run mplayer directly in fullscreen (with the
-fs option), the video shows itself for less than 1 second and suddenly
disappears. I am using the latest revision from git.

I tried with several drivers (xv, sdl, gl and gl2) and sdl is the only one
without problem. The weird thing is that if I run it in window mode and I put it
manually in fullscreen, it works with every drivers.

I don't know if it is related or not, but when I try to move a window to another
frame and release the mouse button without moving the cursor (when I don't
really want to move it after all), the window disappears.

Thanks !

Renaud Casenave-Péré

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