[clfswm-devel] Various ideas and propositions

Philippe Brochard pbrochard at common-lisp.net
Fri Mar 14 21:43:54 UTC 2008

Xavier Maillard writes:

>    > First, I think the project lacks a "coding style". I know it is
>    > not the priority but I think we should adopt some basic rules to
>    > make the contributing experience easier :) I do not know what
>    > these rules could be though.
>    >
>    Hum, a first coding style can be: code simple and explicit things :)
>    (I hope that's what I do)
> More to come. Yes your function/variable naming seems good to me.
> It is simple and crystal clear when reading the code. As told in
> another post, I am working on something I'd like to submit to
> your critics. Please be patient, it should be ready for next week.
Ok, I'm waiting :)

>    > Another point. Why not create a directory hierarchy where we
>    > could put all the code, documentations, etc ... ? Something like
>    > src, doc would be enough to start.
>    >
>    Yes the doc directory is needed. But I don't really like the src
>    directory.
> Why ? 
Because for a small project I like to have the code on the main
directory. But this is ok only when I'm working alone. Now that things
takes another dimension it's time to conform to a more conventional
way of coding.

> The main directory should not be too "messy" and just
> presents what the project is, how it works and the usual document
> (AUTHORS, LICENSE, ...). Since CLFSWM is growing and moving fast,
> I feel the need (at least for me) not to "overload" main
> directory. What's more, src directory is rather conventional and
> well accepted in the hacker community. Once again, that's not so
> important :) I do not want you and me to discuss this, we have
> better things to do :)
Hehe, that's enough arguments to create the src directory :)

> By the way, I think it would be nice to have a TODO/ROADMAP
> document to know what directions you want to take and what you
> want to see implemented.
Yes, added too!


Philippe Brochard    <pbrochard at common-lisp.net>

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