[clfswm-devel] SVN version with clisp 2.44 ?

Philippe Brochard pbrochard at common-lisp.net
Thu Mar 6 19:25:20 UTC 2008

Xavier Maillard writes:

> Hi,

> I am currently running stumpwm (Git version) with clisp-2.44
> without any problem.
> I am now trying to run clfswm (a svn checkout) with the same
> clisp version and it does not work.
Please, check the last svn. Clfswm works with clisp-2.44.1 and new-clx
on my boxes.
Tell me what's wrong on your box.

>>From what I understand, the problem could come from clisp
> compiled with the wrong clx module. Here is a "dump" from my
> clisp -K full:
> [1]> *FEATURES* 
> Is CLX the right one ?
Sadly there is no difference between a *features* with a mit-clx and a
new-clx. I think most distributions compile clisp with new-clx.

> If not, what is the new way to build a complete clisp (2.44) with
> mit-clx ? I saw something has changed with latest clisp version.
I do like I said here:


This way works both on my Archlinux/x86 and my Debian/ppc.
The last svn works with both mit-clx and new-clx on this two

> Second, what is the "right" way to launch clfswm using clisp ?
> Can anybody show us something simple that works ?
> With SBCL, it is pretty easy; I have written a small shell script
> that just does it but I am not a clisp expert.
My pkgbuild for archlinux is here:


It compile clfswm in a share directory and create a little startup
script which load clfswm with asdf.

mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/share/clfswm-$pkgver/src
	cp -R $startdir/src/clfswm-$pkgver/* $startdir/pkg/usr/share/clfswm-$pkgver/src
	cd $startdir/pkg/usr/share/clfswm-$pkgver/src
	msg "Starting to build clisp image"
	clisp -m 4MB -E ISO-8859-1 -q -K full -i asdf.lisp -x "(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :clfswm)"

	mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/bin/
	cat <<- EOF > $startdir/pkg/usr/bin/clfswm

echo "Please, hit 'Alt F1' or 'Mod-1 F1' for help on clfswm."

cd /usr/share/clfswm-$pkgver/src/
clisp -m 4MB -q -q -K full -E ISO-8859-1 -i asdf.lisp -x "(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :clfswm) (setf clfswm::*have-to-compress-notify* t) (clfswm:main)"

	chmod a+x $startdir/pkg/usr/bin/clfswm

The *have-to-compress-notify* is for the 0801 version with mit-clx.

> Thank you very much.
I hope that's help and feel free to add what works for your on the
clfswm wiki.



Philippe Brochard    <pbrochard at common-lisp.net>

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