[clfswm-devel] CLFSWM wiki

Xavier Maillard xma at gnu.org
Mon Mar 3 01:00:18 UTC 2008

   Xavier Maillard writes:

   >    wiki, a bug tracker built-in and a subversion browser that fit nicely
   >    together.
   > Although I do not know Trac at all, why not provide a git
   > repository to host the project source code ? I find it easier to
   > use ;)
   Hi Xavier welcome on this list,

Thank you :)

   I'll make some test with the svn and go for it if it is easy to handle
   (I think it's more easy than CVS).

It is probably easier but I am pretty sure it is not as good as
git is.

Anyway, thank you for Trac, it will probably help in making
clfswm conquer the world ! :)


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