astmatcher-demo exposes major bugs in bclasp 0.3-test-7-8-g42f5e53

Georgiy Tugai georgiy.tugai at
Fri Jul 10 05:27:56 UTC 2015

Most of these issues have been resolved as of 0.3-test-8-4-g653ee86,
however the "Bad keyword argument" error is still extant.


On 09 Jul, Georgiy Tugai wrote:
> I decided to test astmatcher-demo[1] (known to be working on f7948ae
> i.e. tip of master) on bclasp 0.3-test-7-8-g42f5e53 (tip of newbuild at
> the time).
> First, there is a missing external symbol
> src/lisp/clang-tool.lsp). I assumed that NEW-REFACTORING-TOOL would be a
> suitable replacement, evaluated the calling function definition (C-M-x
> in SLIME) and moved on.
> Then, a series of undefined symbols (see Table 1) followed, each one
> "fixed" by C-M-x.
> After this, astmatcher-demo's GET-CLASSES fails with "Bad keyword
> argument" followed by a large number (for example, 69993087673325; a
> decimal pointer address?) which was different between bclasp instances.
> On further investigation, it is interesting to note that LOADing
> clang-tool.lsp rather than REQUIREing 'clang-tool results in more
> undefined symbol errors (including the external symbol
> REPLACEMENTS-AS-LIST). I believe this is indicative of a significant
> difference between evaluation and compilation in bclasp.
> Table 1: clang-tool.lsp symbols misreported as undefined
> +----------------+--------------------------------------+
> |           DEFUN|IDENTIFY-HINT-ENVIRONMENT             |
> |     DEFCONSTANT|+NODE-MATCHERS+                       |
> |     DEFCONSTANT|+TRAVERSAL-MATCHERS+                  |
> |           DEFUN|APPLICABLE-MATCHER-P                  |
> |           DEFUN|MATCH-RUN                             |
> +----------------+--------------------------------------+
> References
> [1]

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