[cl-who-devel] Heap corruption?

John Thingstad john.thingstad at chello.no
Fri Aug 3 20:11:33 UTC 2007

Below is a selection of code I have written and the output it generates.
The part that function generates a nested list of lists for a tree control.
My system runs under Huchentoot. I use Lispworks under Windows.

The output looks good.
I can run it approx 10 times in a row.
Then something fails.
Among the errors are:

1. MySQL: 2006 - connection lost

2. MySQL: "select * from blog-header where (id = 199)"
        selector just be one row

3. The browser dons't update at all. When I go back other pages show  
incorrect data.

I have isolated it to navigate-blog, navigate-year and navigate-month  
I tried completly rewiting it (this is the second version), but get the  
same problem.

Any idea what is happening here?

(defun remove-prefix (uri prefix)
   "Returns the prefix from an uri in search of a blog name.
Big assumtion: Blog names consists only of latin characters."
   (let ((scanstring (concatenate 'string prefix "([A-Za-z]+)")))
     (multiple-value-bind (dummy matchvector)
         (scan-to-strings scanstring uri)
       (declare (ignore dummy))
       (if matchvector
         (svref matchvector 0)

(defconstant *month-abbrev*
   (list "jan" "feb" "mar" "apr" "may" "jun"
         "jul" "aug" "sep" "oct" "nov" "dec"))

(defun get-month-string (month)
   (nth (decf month) *month-abbrev*))

(defun extract-year (date-string)
   (parse-integer (subseq date-string 0 4)))

(defun extract-month (date-string)
   (parse-integer (subseq date-string 5 7)))

;; Result format: ((year (month (date title url) ...) ...) ...)

(defun make-navigate-list (item-list name)
   (let (last-year last-month year-list month-list result-list)
     (iter (for item in (reverse item-list))
       (let* ((date-string (getf item :pub_time))
              (year (extract-year date-string))
              (month (extract-month date-string)))

         (when (or (not last-year)
                   (< year last-year))
           (setf last-year year)
           (setf last-month nil)
           (when month-list (push (reverse month-list) year-list))
           (setf month-list nil)
           (when year-list (push (reverse year-list) result-list))
           (setf year-list (list (format nil "~D" year))))

         (when (or (not last-month)
                   (< month last-month))
           (setf last-month month)
           (when month-list (push (reverse month-list) year-list))
           (setf month-list (list (get-month-string month))))

           (subseq (getf item :pub_time) 0 10)
           (or (getf item :title) "")
           (format nil "~A?id=~D" name (getf item :id)))
     (when month-list (push (reverse month-list) year-list))
     (when year-list (push (reverse year-list) result-list))

     (reverse result-list)))

(defun navigate-month (month-list)
       (*standard-output* nil :prologue nil :indent t)
      (:a :href (format nil "/~A/" (first month-list))
       (fmt "~A" (first month-list)))
       (iter (for item in (rest month-list))
           (:a :href (third item)
            (fmt "~A ~A" (first item) (second item))))))))))

(defun navigate-year (year-list)
       (*standard-output* nil :prologue nil :indent t)
      (:a :href (format nil "/~A/" (first year-list))
       (fmt "~A" (first year-list)))
      (iter (for month-list in (rest year-list))
          (fmt "~A" (navigate-month month-list))))))))

(defun navigate-blog (items name)
   (let ((navigate-list (make-navigate-list items name)))
         (*standard-output* nil :prologue nil :indent t)
       (:div :id "bloglist"
        (:ul :id "navigation" :class "foldertree"
         (iter (for year-list in navigate-list)
           (fmt "~A" (navigate-year year-list))))))))

(defun present-blog (blog)
   (let* ((item-id (or (and (get-parameter "id")
                            (parse-integer (get-parameter "id")))
                       (latest-blog-item-id (getf blog :name))))
          (item (get-blog-item item-id)))
         (*standard-output* nil :prologue t :indent t)
       (:html :xmlns "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
         (:title (fmt "~A - ~A"
                      (escape-string (getf blog :title))
                      (escape-string (getf item :title))))
         (:link :href *blog-css-file*
          :rel "stylesheet" :type "text/css")
         (:link :href *tree-css-file*
          :rel "stylesheet" :type "text/css"
          :media "screen, projection")
         (:script :type "text/javascript" :src *tree-js-file* ""))
         (:div :id "left-column"
          (:a :href *blog-homepage* "Blog home")
          (fmt "~A" (navigate-blog (get-items (getf blog :id))
         (:div :id "wrapper"
          (:div :id "header"
           (:h1 (escape-string
                 (fmt "~A" (escape-string (getf blog :title))))))
          (:div :id "main"
           (if item
              (:h3 (fmt "~A" (escape-string
                              (getf item :title))))
              (:h4 (fmt "~A" (escape-string
                              (getf item :pub_time))))
              (:p (fmt "~A" (or (getf item :contents) ""))))
              (:p (:em "This blog is empty!")))))))))))

(defun no-blog ()
       (*standard-output* nil :prologue t :indent t)
     (:html :xmlns "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
       (:title "Error")
       (:link :href *blog-css-file*
        :rel "stylesheet" :type "text/css"))
       (:div :id "left-column"
        (:a :href *blog-homepage* "Blog home"))
       (:div :id "wrapper"
        (:div :id "header"
         (:h1 :class "middle" "Error!"))
        (:div :id "main"
         (:h2 :class "middle" "No such page")
         (:p :class "middle"
          "The blog that you requested does not exist!")))))))

(defun blog-page ()
   (let ((blog (get-blog (remove-prefix (script-name) *blog-prefix*))))
     (if blog
       (present-blog blog)


Which generatates something like the following

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"  
<html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'>
     <title>Many Items blog - Tomorrow
     <link href='/static-files/stylesheet.css' rel='stylesheet'  
type='text/css' />
     <link href='/static-files/foldertree.css' rel='stylesheet'  
type='text/css' media='screen, projection' />
     <script type='text/javascript' src='/static-files/treeMenu.js'>

     <div id='left-column'>
       <a href='/blogs.html'>
         Blog home
<div id='bloglist'>
   <ul id='navigation' class='foldertree'>
   <a href='/2007/'>2007
   <a href='/jul/'>jul
       <a href='/blogs/many?id=204'>2007-07-18 Tomorrow
       <a href='/blogs/many?id=202'>2007-07-18 Tomorrow
       <a href='/blogs/many?id=200'>2007-07-18 Tomorrow
       <a href='/blogs/many?id=199'>2007-07-17 Today
       <a href='/blogs/many?id=201'>2007-07-17 Today
       <a href='/blogs/many?id=203'>2007-07-17 Today
       <a href='/blogs/many?id=193'>2007-07-17 First item
   <a href='/jun/'>jun
       <a href='/blogs/many?id=198'>2007-06-12 Hollydays
       <a href='/blogs/many?id=194'>2007-06-11 Second item
   <a href='/mar/'>mar
       <a href='/blogs/many?id=197'>2007-03-15 Easter
   <a href='/2006/'>2006
   <a href='/dec/'>dec
       <a href='/blogs/many?id=195'>2006-12-24 Christmas
   <a href='/mar/'>mar
       <a href='/blogs/many?id=196'>2006-03-14 Easter
     <div id='wrapper'>
       <div id='header'>
         <h1>Many Items blog
       <div id='main'>
         <h4>2007-07-18 00:00:00

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