[cl-typesetting-devel] Image in upper-right corner.

Marc Battyani marc.battyani at fractalconcept.com
Wed Mar 24 16:34:57 UTC 2004

"Marc Battyani" <marc.battyani at fractalconcept.com> writes:
> "Erik Enge" <erik at nittin.net> writes:
> > Is there any way I can make an image stick in the upper-right corner of
> > a
> > page regardless of how big it is?  Currently, my code looks like this:
> >
> >   (typeset:cell ()
> >          (typeset:image :file #p"/somwhere.jpg" :dx 200 :dy 20))
> >
> > That cell is in a row and the table has two rows which are half the
> > size of
> > the width of the page.  Sometimes the image is 43x50 pixels and sometime
> > its 189x26 and yet other times various sizes.  Is there any way I can
> > align it
> > with the upper-right corner regardless of its size?  The various images
> > move
> > around today depending on their sizes.
> Upper-right corner of the page or of the cell?
> Have you tried something like this in the cell?
> :hfill (image :file fractal-jpg :dx 15 :dy 15 :inline t)
> :vfill

Or wrapping the image in a paragraph with a :align :right style ?


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