[cl-plus-ssl-devel] CL+SSL and stream-write-sequence
Anton Vodonosov
avodonosov at yandex.ru
Tue Mar 19 11:27:47 UTC 2013
19.03.2013, 15:06, "Hans Hübner" <hans.huebner at gmail.com>:
> Anton,
> I'm looking at the code now and it appears that the type checks for simple-array are not needed. Data is copied from and to the sequences using b/v-replace, which is a wrapper around cl:replace which is not restricted with respect to the sequence type that it wants to operate on. There is a CLISP specific version that uses some FFI shortcuts, but rather than burdening all other implementations with extra code, I'd propose to just remove the special b/v-replace implementation for CLISP and use cl:replace there, too.
> Am I missing something?
I don't know exactly, this code is not authored by me.
The b/v-replace function copies between normal sequence and
buffer created by
(defun make-buffer (size)
(cffi-sys:%foreign-alloc size)) ;; it's the CLISP version of the make-buffer
It may be that cl:replace can't work with such buffere on CLISP?
Current version of CLISP support originated in 2007-07-07 from here: http://code.kepibu.org/cl+ssl/
This question need to be studied more.
Best regards,
- Anton
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