[cl-pdf-devel] Binary streams

Dmitriy Ivanov divanov at aha.ru
Thu Feb 1 11:00:23 UTC 2007

Hello Jonathon,

| pdf-binary does not work.  I still get this:
| The actual error is around line 12

Thanks. It looks like SBCL signals on the following stuff:

    (WRITE-LINE  "%PDF-1.4"  *pdf-stream*)

That means that SBCL cannot simply print to the stream opened with

    :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) 

Therefore, :pdf-binary does not apply to SBCL.
As a reminder, the latest interpretation of :pdf-binary is

  "If your Lisp implementation accepts writing base
  characters to binary streams".
Dmitriy Ivanov

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