[cl-pdf-devel] cl-pdf release 127 is broken (examples don't run onsbcl/macosx)

Dmitriy Ivanov divanov at aha.ru
Mon Dec 18 08:13:47 UTC 2006

Hello Carlos,

| Hello,
| I found a problem in release 127 and later (126 is ok). I'm using
| SBCL 1.0.34 on MacOSX/Intel and the examples result in the following
| error:
| #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for "file /tmp/ex1.pdf" {11E9EDE9}> is not a
| character output stream.
| It seems to be related with the fragment
| :element-type #+pdf-binary '(unsigned-byte 8) #-pdf-binary 'base-char
| If I just comment those lines everything is ok until example #9
| complains:
| #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for "file /tmp/ex9.pdf" {117815B9}> is not a
| binary output stream.

I am sorry. Aiming at the usage of binary pdf streams ubiquitously, I have
(inadvertently :-)) replaced the initial interpretation of :pdf-binary with
a stronger one

  "if your Lisp implementation accepts writing base characters to binary

This seems to be true for LispWorks only (maybe Allegro?). What do the
others think? Does the rest of the code work?
Dmitriy Ivanov

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