[cl-pdf-devel] cl-pdf/cl-typesetting/mod_lisp repository guidelines.

Marc Battyani marc.battyani at fractalconcept.com
Sun Dec 3 11:23:45 UTC 2006

I wrote:

> Hello to the new committers,
> Now that you have commit rights on the cl-pdf/cl-typesetting/mod_lisp 
> repository let's define a few guidelines to avoid a complete mess ;-)
> I just propose 2 guidelines:
> 1 - As Gary wrote don't forget that with rights come responsibilities! So 
> test your code before you commit it... ;-)
> 2 - If you make a major change, like converting cl-pdf to full binary 
> format for instance, please make a new branch so that people can test and 
> eventually fix it before it is merged back to the official branch.
> Also, though it's not a rule, you should probably inform this list of what 
> you are working on to avoid duplicate work and/or incompatible 
> modifications.
> Have fun! :)

Let's add this one too:

When you commit something please start the commit message wtih the module 
name (i.e. cl-pdf: ... cl-typesetting:...) so that it's easier to search for 
a change in the logs.


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