[cl-opengl-devel] checker.lisp (Redbook example)

raito at raito.com raito at raito.com
Thu Oct 2 15:04:53 UTC 2008

Well, I was already working on porting the redbook examples to Lisp (at 
least the ones that hadn't been done yet). And as Luis pointed out, 
doing that is on the list. So here's the first one, ported from 
checker.c. It's a texture-mapping example. I have some others that need 
cleaning up, because prior to updating my stuff, I had to do things 
like code-char key in keyboard, because that's just how it worked on 
the Mac. I have noticed that some of the redbook examples can't 
currently be ported, because cl-opengl doesn't offer all the functions 

I wasn't able to use '(64 64) when creating the texture map, because I 
get this error:

* (load "checker.lisp")
;     (SETF (AREF RET-VAL (+ BASE 1)) 255)
; ==>
; note: deleting unreachable code

;     (SETF (AREF RET-VAL BASE) 255)
; ==>
; caught WARNING:
;   Asserted type VECTOR conflicts with derived type
;   See also:
;     The SBCL Manual, Node "Handling of Types"

And I haven't included an update to examples.lisp -- it's just adding 
it to the list of examples, and examples doesn't actually run the 
examples unless you've already loaded them (I might work on that for 
the future). 

Neil Gilmore
raito at raito.com

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