[cl-opengl-devel] [patch] game mode and init-window position/size

Dan Torop dtorop at gmail.com
Wed Jun 18 00:52:33 UTC 2008

Attached is a patch which enables game mode via a window initarg
"game-mode".  The enter-game-mode and leave-game-mode calls must be
used instead of create-window and destroy-window, hence the somewhat
invasive coding.  I'm not sure if this is the right approach, another
possibility would be to make a sibling class of "window",

I also made the display-window :around method for windows set
init-window position and size, so that the window isn't created one
place then immediately modifed.  But the base-window's display-window
:around still calls position/reshape window.  Apologies, this is
sloppy, but I didn't want to muck with part of the code with which I
wasn't at all familiar.

Hope any of this is of use in some form?

Thank you,

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