[cl-net-snmp-cvs] r33 - in trunk: . asn.1

ctian at common-lisp.net ctian at common-lisp.net
Thu Sep 13 10:42:21 UTC 2007

Author: ctian
Date: Thu Sep 13 06:42:18 2007
New Revision: 33

Add pure lisp ASN.1 support

Added: trunk/asn.1/ber.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/asn.1/ber.lisp	Thu Sep 13 06:42:18 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+;;;; BER Base Support ;;;;
+(in-package :asn.1)
+(let ((dispatch-table
+       (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
+  (defun get-asn.1-type (class p/c tags)
+    (gethash (list class p/c tags) dispatch-table :unknown))
+  (defun install-asn.1-type (type class p/c tags)
+    (setf (gethash (list class p/c tags) dispatch-table) type)))
+;;;;   8   7    6    5 4 3 2 1
+;;;; +-------+-----+-----------+
+;;;; | class | P/C |    tags   |
+;;;; +-------+-----+-----------+
+;;;; ^             ^
+;;;; 00=universal  0=primitive
+;;;; 01=app.       1=construct
+;;;; 10=context.
+;;;; 11=private
+;;;;                (type domain (tag = 0-30)
+;;;; |<-------head byte------->| |<---------------other bytes---------------->|
+;;;;                              1st byte                           last byte
+;;;;                             |<------>|                          |<------>|
+;;;;   8   7    6    5 4 3 2 1
+;;;; +-------+-----+-----------+ +---+----+ +---+----+    +---+----+ +---+----+
+;;;; | class | P/C | 1 1 1 1 1 | | 1 |////| | 1 |////|... | 1 |////| | 0 |////|
+;;;; +-------+-----+-----------+ +---+----+ +---+----+    +---+----+ +---+----+
+;;;;                                 +----+     +----+        +----+     +----+
+;;;;                         tags =  |////|  +  |////|...  +  |////|  +  |////|
+;;;;                                 +----+     +----+        +----+     +----+
+;;;;                (type domain (tag >= 31)
+(defun ber-encode-type (class p/c tags)
+  "Encode BER Type Domain"
+  (declare (type (integer 0 3) class)
+           (type (integer 0 1) p/c)
+           (type (integer 0) tags))
+  (assert (and (<= 0 class 3) (<= 0 p/c 1) (<= 0 tags)))
+  (labels ((iter (n p acc)
+             (if (= n 0) acc
+               (multiple-value-bind (q r) (floor n 128)
+                 (iter q 1 (cons (logior (ash p 7) r) acc))))))
+    (if (< tags 31)
+        (list (logior (ash class 6) (ash p/c 5) tags))
+      (cons (logior (ash class 6) (ash p/c 5) 31)
+            (iter tags 0 nil)))))
+(defun ber-decode-type (stream)
+  "Decode BER Type Domain"
+  (declare (type stream stream))
+  (let ((byte (stream-read-byte stream))
+        (type-length 1))
+    (let ((class (ldb (byte 2 6) byte))
+          (p/c (ldb (byte 1 5) byte))
+          (tags (ldb (byte 5 0) byte)))
+      (when (= tags 31)
+        (setf tags (labels ((iter (acc)
+                              (setf byte (stream-read-byte stream))
+                              (incf type-length)
+                              (let ((temp (logior (ash acc 7) (ldb (byte 7 0) byte))))
+                                (if (= (ldb (byte 1 7) byte) 1) (iter temp) temp))))
+                     (iter 0))))
+      (values (get-asn.1-type class p/c tags)
+              type-length))))
+;;;;   8  7 6 5 4 3 2 1
+;;;; +---+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+;;;; | 0               |
+;;;; +---+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+;;;;                (short form: Length = 0-127 octets)
+;;;;   8  7 6 5 4 3 2 1   8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1       8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
+;;;; +---+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+     +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+;;;; | 1               | |               | ... |               |
+;;;; +---+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+     +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+;;;;     |<--number--->|  ^                                   ^
+;;;;        of other     byte 1: MSB                         byte n: MLB
+;;;;         bytes
+;;;;       (0<n<127)
+;;;;                (long form: Length = 0-(2^1008-1) octets)
+(defun ber-encode-length (length)
+  "Encode BER Length Domain"
+  (declare (type (integer 0) length))
+  (assert (<= 0 length (1- (expt 2 1008))))
+  (labels ((iter (n acc l)
+             (if (= n 0) (cons (mod (logior 128 l) 256) acc)
+               (multiple-value-bind (q r) (floor n 256)
+                 (iter q (cons r acc) (1+ l))))))
+    (if (< length 128) (list length)
+      (iter length nil 0))))
+(defun ber-decode-length (stream)
+  "Decode BER Length Domain"
+  (declare (type stream stream))
+  (let ((byte (stream-read-byte stream))
+        (length-length 1))
+    (let ((flag (ldb (byte 1 7) byte))
+          (l-or-n (ldb (byte 7 0) byte)))
+      (let ((res (if (= flag 0) l-or-n
+                   (let ((acc 0))
+                     (dotimes (i l-or-n)
+                       (setf acc (logior (ash acc 8)
+                                         (stream-read-byte stream)))
+                       (incf length-length)
+                       acc)))))
+        (values res length-length)))))
+(defgeneric ber-encode (value))
+(defun ber-decode (stream)
+  (declare (type stream stream))
+  (let ((type (ber-decode-type stream))
+        (length (ber-decode-length stream)))
+    (ber-decode-value stream type length)))
+(defgeneric ber-decode-value (stream type length))
+(defmethod ber-decode-value ((stream stream) (type (eql :unknown)) (length integer))
+  (declare (type stream stream) (ignore type))
+  (dotimes (i length)
+    (stream-read-byte stream))
+  nil)
+;;;; Special Types ;;;;
+;;; Integer (:integer)
+(defmethod ber-encode ((value integer))
+  (assert (<= 0 value))
+  (labels ((iter (n acc l)
+             (if (= n 0) (values acc l)
+               (multiple-value-bind (q r) (floor n 256)
+                 (iter q (cons r acc) (1+ l))))))
+    (multiple-value-bind (v l) (iter value nil 0)
+      (nconc (ber-encode-type 0 0 2)
+             (ber-encode-length l)
+             v))))
+(defmethod ber-decode-value ((stream stream) (type (eql :integer)) (length integer))
+  (declare (type stream stream) (ignore type))
+  (labels ((iter (i acc)
+             (if (= i length) acc
+               (iter (1+ i) (logior (ash acc 8) (stream-read-byte stream))))))
+    (iter 0 0)))
+;;; OCTET STRING (:octet-string)
+(defmethod ber-encode ((value simple-base-string))
+  (nconc (ber-encode-type 0 0 4)
+         (ber-encode-length (length value))
+         (map 'list #'char-code value)))
+(defmethod ber-decode-value ((stream stream) (type (eql :octet-string)) (length integer))
+  (declare (type stream stream) (ignore type))
+  (let ((str (make-string length)))
+    (map-into str #'(lambda () (code-char (stream-read-byte stream))))))
+;;; SEQUENCE (:sequence)
+(defmethod ber-encode ((value sequence))
+  (let ((sub-encode (apply #'nconc
+                           (map 'list #'ber-encode value))))
+    (nconc (ber-encode-type 0 1 16)
+           (ber-encode-length (length sub-encode))
+           sub-encode)))
+(defmethod ber-decode-value ((stream stream) (type (eql :sequence)) (length integer))
+  (declare (type stream stream) (ignore type))
+  (labels ((iter (left acc)
+             (if (= left 0)
+                 (nreverse acc)
+               (multiple-value-bind (sub-type sub-type-length)
+                   (ber-decode-type stream)
+                 (multiple-value-bind (sub-length sub-length-length)
+                     (ber-decode-length stream)
+                   (iter (- left
+                            sub-type-length
+                            sub-length-length
+                            sub-length)
+                         (cons (ber-decode-value stream sub-type sub-length) acc)))))))
+    (iter length nil)))
+;;; NULL (:null)
+(defmethod ber-encode ((value (eql nil)))
+  (declare (ignore value))
+  (nconc (ber-encode-type 0 0 5)
+         (ber-encode-length 0)))
+(defmethod ber-decode-value ((stream stream) (type (eql :null)) (length integer))
+  (declare (type stream stream))
+  (assert (= length 0))
+  nil)
+(eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute)
+  (install-asn.1-type :integer 0 0 2)
+  (install-asn.1-type :octet-string 0 0 4)
+  (install-asn.1-type :null 0 0 5)
+  (install-asn.1-type :sequence 0 1 16))

Added: trunk/asn.1/mib.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/asn.1/mib.lisp	Thu Sep 13 06:42:18 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+;;;; MIB Base Support ;;;;
+(in-package :asn.1)

Added: trunk/asn.1/package.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/asn.1/package.lisp	Thu Sep 13 06:42:18 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+(in-package :cl-user)
+(defpackage :asn.1
+  (:use :common-lisp
+   #+lispworks :stream))
+(in-package :asn.1)

Added: trunk/asn.1/stream-test.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/asn.1/stream-test.lisp	Thu Sep 13 06:42:18 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+(in-package :asn.1)
+(defclass ber-stream (fundamental-input-stream)
+  ((sequence :type sequence :initarg :seq :reader ber-sequence)
+   (length :type integer :accessor ber-length)
+   (position :type integer :initform 0 :accessor ber-position)))
+(defmethod shared-initialize :after ((instance ber-stream) slot-names &rest initargs)
+  (declare (ignore slot-names initargs))
+  (setf (ber-length instance) (length (ber-sequence instance))))
+(defmethod stream-read-byte ((instance ber-stream))
+  (if (= (ber-position instance) (ber-length instance))
+      :eof
+    (let ((byte (elt (ber-sequence instance) (ber-position instance))))
+      (incf (ber-position instance))
+      byte)))

Modified: trunk/net-snmp-dff.lisp
--- trunk/net-snmp-dff.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/net-snmp-dff.lisp	Thu Sep 13 06:42:18 2007
@@ -267,4 +267,4 @@
-                             :ansi-c)
\ No newline at end of file
+                             :ansi-c)

Modified: trunk/net-snmp.asd
--- trunk/net-snmp.asd	(original)
+++ trunk/net-snmp.asd	Thu Sep 13 06:42:18 2007
@@ -2,18 +2,20 @@
 (in-package :cl-user)
-(defpackage :net-snmp-system
-  (:use :cl :asdf))
+(defpackage net-snmp-system (:use :common-lisp :asdf))
 (in-package :net-snmp-system)
 (defsystem net-snmp
   :description "Common Lisp interface for Net-SNMP"
   :version "0.6"
   :author "Chun Tian (binghe) <binghe.lisp at gmail.com>"
-  :depends-on (:cffi)
-  :components ((:file "package")
-	       (:file "constants" :depends-on ("package"))
+  :depends-on (:cffi
+               :ironclad
+               :net-telent-date)
+  :components ((:module asn.1 :components ((:file "package")
+                                           (:file "ber" :depends-on ("package"))))
+               (:file "package")
+               (:file "constants" :depends-on ("package"))
 	       (:file "typedefs" :depends-on ("constants"))
                (:file "snmp-api" :depends-on ("typedefs"))
                (:file "load" :depends-on ("snmp-api"))
@@ -26,7 +28,6 @@
   :version "0.1"
   :author "Chun Tian (binghe) <binghe.lisp at gmail.com>"
   :depends-on (:net-snmp
-               :net-telent-date
   :components ((:file "sabrina")

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