[cl-markdown-devel] links, lists, headings

Gary King gwking at metabang.com
Fri Feb 2 18:21:43 UTC 2007

Hi Hans,

Thanks for your bug report. I agree that the first list item in the  
last example should not have paragraph tags around it.

> By the way, shouldn't the xhtml tags be lower case by default?

Whoopts, yes. I've been using Allegro Common Lisp in "modern" mode  
lately and it translates my keywords like :h1 into :h1 which outputs  
as "h1". ANSI Common Lisp, of course, reads :h1 as :H1 and produces  

This will be corrected in the next release (which will happen as soon  
as I figure out how to fix the first bug you found!

thanks again,
Gary Warren King, metabang.com
Cell: (413) 885 9127
Fax: (206) 338-4052
gwkkwg on Skype * garethsan on AIM

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