[cl-irc-devel] New release (from pre_mode_tracking tag)?

Ossi Herrala oherrala at ee.oulu.fi
Mon Mar 21 09:48:54 UTC 2005

Hello Lispers,

I'm new to this project. And after sending that one patch and after I got
cl-irc to work for my tests I joined to this list.

Cl-irc is nice interface for IRC. It works great and it didn't take too
long to do simple IRC bot. Thanks!

Couple of things I want to bring my opinnion into:

On Sun, Mar 20, 2005 at 10:57:49PM +0100, Erik Huelsmann wrote:

> This brings me to several questions:
> - What's the numbering scheme?
>   - Is 0.10 deemed acceptable? Or is 0.9 considered to be last before 1.0?

It's common practice that after 0.9 comes 0.10. So it's acceptable.

>   - Do the version numbers mean anything wrt guaranteed APIs?

If it's documented, then yes. Again, it seems to be common practise that
software with version number below 1.0 can change API between versions.
It's still in development after all. Then 1.0 should have same API and new
API can be introduced in 2.0. Does this make any sense?

> - What requirements are there for a 1.0 release?

 - Extensive documentation (Wiki might be good way to get contributions?)
 - Stable API. No need to do changes before 2.0?
 - Bugfree code?

Hopefully I can get myself to do something useful and contribute code to
your project.


Ossi Herrala, OH8HUB
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