[cl-debian] ubuntu contacts?

Peter Van Eynde cl-debian at pvaneynd.mailworks.org
Tue Nov 22 20:11:50 UTC 2005


On Tuesday 22 November 2005 18:49, Daniel Holbach wrote:
> > > MOTU w.r.t.  the CL debian packages, but the ubuntu IRC culture
> > > seems not to go well with me. Is there someone who knows ubuntu
> > > enough to be 'official liaison officer'?
> What are the problems, you are referring to?

Well they are mostly a problem of communication and lack of understanding of 
ubuntu procedures:

- Exactly  how are debian updates propagated?: 
   - I see that while clc is pretty current on dapper, clisp or sbcl aren't  
so current, sbcl is still at some ancient level (1: How can we fix 
this? In general, how can we advise what version we think is suitable for a 
release, esp. with the long live of dapper this seems an important question.
  -  hoary is still at clc 4.12 and is vulnerable to the security problem. How 
do we fix this?
- Where do ubuntu bugs go?

I've searched the wiki and other resources, but failed to answer these 

Groetjes, Peter

signature -at- pvaneynd.mailworks.org 
"God, root, what is difference?" Pitr | "God is more forgiving." Dave Aronson| 

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