[chicago-lisp] (no subject)

Damien Kick dkixk at earthlink.net
Sun Dec 3 23:12:25 UTC 2006

John Quigley gave a presentation on using SLIME with SBCL on a Debian  
system yesterday during the Chicago LUG meeting.  There is a PDF file  
version of his presentation but I forgot to jot down the URL for it.   
John, perhaps you'd send it to the list?  Since the presentation was  
made using Debain, and therefore used apt-get, somebody asked about  
getting the packages if one didn't use Debian.  The following two  
sites are good places for lots of general information about lisp and  
have links  to all of the packages mentioned during the presentation:  
<http://common-lisp.net/> <http://www.cl-user.net/asp/root-dir>.

After the presentation, John and four of us who came to the meeting  
mostly because of our interest in the chicago-lisp group got together  
for a brief chat about chicago-lisp.  We talked about what to do  
going forward and I believe that the consensus was to try to start  
meeting on a  more regular basis.  Apparently the space being used  
for the CLUG meetings would be available for other chicago-lisp  
gatherings.  John asked if everyone was mostly interested in lisp in  
particular or rather a broader range of topics, for instance  
functional languages such as Scheme or ML.  There was a bit of  
difference of opinion on this topic and I think it might still be a  
bit of an open question.  One suggestion was that the group might  
want to start host a web-site, perhaps as an excuse for a group  
project.  A wiki as well as cliki <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ 
CLiki> and AllegroServer <http://allegroserve.sourceforge.net/> were  
discussed.  Another idea was to adopt a project from Common Lisp  
Gardeners <http://tinyurl.com/ymgp7h>.  For those who might not be  
familiar with the CL Gardeners (ibid):

> A group of people intending to "tend the Common Lisp Garden". Their  
> goal is two-fold : improving the attractiveness of CL for people  
> who are considering using it, and providing those who want to learn  
> the language with a plethora of small projects, so that they can  
> learn it by practicing it, yet in a useful way.
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