Problem loading a dylib file through LOAD-FOREIGN-FUNCTION

Luís Oliveira loliveira at
Sun Aug 25 14:05:23 UTC 2013

On Sun, Aug 25, 2013 at 3:46 AM, Robert P. Goldman <rpgoldman at> wrote:
>         /usr/local/lib/libsmvgrammar.0.dylib: mach-o, but wrong filetype.
> If this had said "wrong architecture", I would have guessed that this
> was a 32bit/64bit mismatch.  But "wrong filetype" seems to indicate a
> different error, and one that I haven't had any luck googling.  At any
> rate, I have checked and I have x86_64 SBCL and x86_64 dylibs.

I've never come across this either. What does the "file" command have
to say about libsmvgrammar.0.dylib?  Also, what happens when you try
to foreign load that?


Luís Oliveira

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