[cffi-devel] Re: CFFI and ECL

Luís Oliveira luismbo at gmail.com
Tue Jun 27 01:07:51 UTC 2006

On 2006-jun-26, at 18:13, Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll wrote:
> Do you use the sources from common-lisp.net? Or the older tree  
> (abandoned due to CVS problems) in sourceforge.net?

Doh! I was using the sf.net repository. Sorry about that.

> 3) DEFCVAR uses DEFINE-SYMBOL-MACRO without encapsulating it in an  
> EVAL-WHEN form. This breaks bindings.lisp.

Reading the spec, it seems you are right. Unlike every other macro  
definers, define-symbol-macro is not required to make the macro  
available at compile-time. Yet, every other lisp does that. To me, it  
seems like an oversight in the spec since define-symbol-macro was a  
late addition to ANSI CL. Is there a particular reason why ECL's  
define-symbol-macro shouldn't do what the other lisps do?

> Apart from that, and from the fact that your tests files include  
> functions with too many arguments (ECL is restricted to 64 required  
> arguments, but this could be changed, probably), things run ok here.

Now that I have a recent ECL, I fixed other cffi-ecl bugs (specific  
to darwin/ppc). Still, it fails 31 tests on linux/x86 and 35 tests on  
darwin/ppc. Some of these might be cffi-ecl bugs but others like MAKE- 
POINTER.HIGH seem to indicate ECL bugs. I'll look into this later, if  
someone more proficient with ECL doesn't look into this in the mean  

> <cffi.diff>

Thanks! (Didn't understand the RT changes, works fine for me without  
them, so didn't apply those.)

Luís Oliveira

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