[cffi-devel] vararg (was: CFFI/CLISP - 2 out of 101 total tes ts failed)

Yaroslav Kavenchuk kavenchuk at jenty.by
Fri Jan 6 09:36:07 UTC 2006

Hoehle, Joerg-Cyril wrote:

>>Why there is no opportunity to specify from what library link function?
> You probably mean in CFFI? UFFI has :module and CLISP has :library

CFFI of course

>>And if I shall link some libraries with identical names of functions -
>>what to do?
> "Implementation-dependent" and underspecified

no perfection in the world :(

>>I do not know what library contains bad sprintf function.
> Maybe you can figure it out using (foreign-address #<foreign-function>)
> and see if you can relate that to the addresses of the .dll loaded into
> the current process?

I shall try...


WBR, Yaroslav Kavenchuk.

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