[cells-devel] Installation handholding required (only a little :-))

Ken Tilton kennytilton at optonline.net
Wed May 30 02:51:31 UTC 2007

Andy Chambers wrote:
> Hi,
> Could someone give us a few pointers on how to get celtk running on
> linux/sbcl please.  I've downloaded the latest source from cvs for
> cells, and celtk.  The demo for ltk runs fine but I suspect that might
> be irrelevant.

No, that is important, it means you have Tcl/Tk installed properly.
> When I (require :celtk) after linking the relevant asd files to my
> ~/.sbcl/systems, I get some errors, the first of which is that
> "utils-kt:eval-now! is not defined".

That might be because ASDF sucks so bad. Try ":force t" so it always 
recompiles and loads as it goes.

> If I just keep on accepting the errors/warnings it does eventually
> compile.  Howver, when I try
> (ctk::tk-test), I get "Unable to load foreign library: libtcl.so".
> This file doesn't seem to belong to any debian package.

Ah, hang on, LTk talks to wish.exe over a pipe, I talk to Tcl/Tk via the 
FFI. So Ltk needs wish.exe, Celtk (glad you liked the name!) needs the 
.SOs. You might be able to get them from ActiveState directly, but they 
should not be /that/ hard to find.

Yes, folks have run Celtk on Linux and Mac OS/X.

Wish I could help more, but I do not do Linux.

best, kt

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