[cells-devel] Installation handholding required (only a little :-))

Andy Chambers achambers.home at googlemail.com
Tue May 29 22:22:03 UTC 2007


Could someone give us a few pointers on how to get celtk running on
linux/sbcl please.  I've downloaded the latest source from cvs for
cells, and celtk.  The demo for ltk runs fine but I suspect that might
be irrelevant.

When I (require :celtk) after linking the relevant asd files to my
~/.sbcl/systems, I get some errors, the first of which is that
"utils-kt:eval-now! is not defined".

If I just keep on accepting the errors/warnings it does eventually
compile.  Howver, when I try
(ctk::tk-test), I get "Unable to load foreign library: libtcl.so".
This file doesn't seem to belong to any debian package.


p.s This program has the best name ever!! (I support Glasgow "Celtk"
football team)

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