[cells-cvs] CVS Celtk

ktilton ktilton at common-lisp.net
Mon Nov 13 05:28:53 UTC 2006

Update of /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv11067

Modified Files:
	Celtk.lisp composites.lisp lotsa-widgets.lisp menu.lisp 
Log Message:

--- /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/Celtk.lisp	2006/10/02 02:56:01	1.36
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/Celtk.lisp	2006/11/13 05:28:52	1.37
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
-;;; $Header: /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/Celtk.lisp,v 1.36 2006/10/02 02:56:01 ktilton Exp $
+;;; $Header: /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/Celtk.lisp,v 1.37 2006/11/13 05:28:52 ktilton Exp $
 (defpackage :celtk
   (:nicknames "CTK")
@@ -96,12 +96,12 @@
         unless (find (car defer-info) +tk-client-task-priority+)
         do (error "unknown tk client task type ~a in task: ~a " (car defer-info) defer-info))
-  (loop for (nil #+not defer-info . task) in (prog1
-                                                 (stable-sort (fifo-data user-q) 'tk-user-queue-sort :key 'car)
-                                               (fifo-clear user-q))
+  (loop for (defer-info . task) in (prog1
+                                       (stable-sort (fifo-data user-q) 'tk-user-queue-sort :key 'car)
+                                     (fifo-clear user-q))
         (trc nil "!!! --- tk-user-queue-handler dispatching" defer-info)
-        (funcall task)))
+        (funcall task :user-q defer-info)))
 (defun tk-format-now (fmt$ &rest fmt-args)
   (unless (find *tkw* *windows-destroyed*)
@@ -111,12 +111,12 @@
       ; --- debug stuff ---------------------------------
-      (let ((yes '())
+      (let ((yes '("pack"))
             (no  '("font")))
         (declare (ignorable yes no))
-        (when #+not t (and (or ;; (null yes)
-                     (find-if (lambda (s) (search s tk$)) yes))
-                (not (find-if (lambda (s) (search s tk$)) no)))
+        (when (and (or ;; (null yes)
+                    (find-if (lambda (s) (search s tk$)) yes))
+                #+hunh? (not (find-if (lambda (s) (search s tk$)) no)))
           (format t "~&tk> ~a~%" tk$)))
       (assert *tki*)
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/composites.lisp	2006/11/04 20:53:08	1.20
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/composites.lisp	2006/11/13 05:28:52	1.21
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
 (defun app-idle (self)
   (setf (^app-time) (get-internal-real-time)))
-(defmd window (composite-widget decoration-mixin)
+(defmd window (toplevel composite-widget decoration-mixin)
   (title$ (c? (string-capitalize (class-name (class-of self)))))
   (dictionary (make-hash-table :test 'equalp))
   (tkwins (make-hash-table))
@@ -109,12 +109,19 @@
   (tkfont-info (tkfont-info-loader))
+  start-up-fn
+  close-fn
+  (focus-state (c-in nil) :documentation "This is about the window having the focus on the desktop, not the key focus.
+Actually holds last event code, :focusin or :focusout")
-  on-key-up)
+  on-key-up
+  :width (c?n 800)
+  :height (c?n 600))
-(export! .control-key-p)
+(export! .control-key-p .alt-key-p focus-state ^focus-state)
 (define-symbol-macro .control-key-p (find :control (keyboard-modifiers .tkw)))
+(define-symbol-macro .alt-key-p (find :alt (keyboard-modifiers .tkw)))
 (defmethod make-tk-instance ((self window)) 
   (setf (gethash (^path) (dictionary .tkw)) self))
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/lotsa-widgets.lisp	2006/11/04 20:53:08	1.7
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/lotsa-widgets.lisp	2006/11/13 05:28:52	1.8
@@ -83,10 +83,10 @@
 (defun style-by-edit-menu ()
-    (mk-row ("Style by Edit Menu")
-      (mk-label :text "Four score and seven years ago today"
-        :wraplength 600
-        :tkfont (c? (list
+  (mk-row ("Style by Edit Menu")
+    (mk-label :text "Four score and seven years ago today"
+      :wraplength 600
+      :tkfont (c? (list
                    (selection (fm^ :app-font-face))
                    (selection (fm^ :app-font-size))
                    (if (fm^v :app-font-italic)
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/menu.lisp	2006/11/04 20:53:08	1.18
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/menu.lisp	2006/11/13 05:28:52	1.19
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@
     :tk-variable (c? (down$ (path (upper self selector))))
     :on-command  (lambda (self)
                    (declare (ignore key args))
-                   (trc nil "menu radio button command firing" self (^value) (upper self selector))
+                   (trc "menu radio button command firing" self (^value) (upper self selector))
                    (setf (selection (upper self selector)) (^value)))))
 (defmodel menu-radio-group (selector family)
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/run.lisp	2006/10/28 18:21:52	1.22
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/run.lisp	2006/11/13 05:28:52	1.23
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
   (export '(tk-scaling run-window test-window)))
 (defun run-window (root-class &optional (resetp t) &rest window-initargs)
   (declare (ignorable root-class))
   (setf *tkw* nil)
@@ -37,7 +39,16 @@
   (tk-app-init *tki*)
   (tk-togl-init *tki*)
   (tk-format-now "proc TraceOP {n1 n2 op} {event generate $n1 <<trace>> -data $op}")
+  (tk-format-now "package require snack")
+  (tk-format-now "snack::sound s")
+;;;  (tk-format-now (conc$ "snack::sound s -load "
+;;;                   (snackify-pathname (make-pathname :directory '(:absolute  "sounds")
+;;;                                        :name "ahem_x" :type "wav")
+;;;                     #+vs (car (directory (make-pathname :directory '(:absolute  "sounds")))))))
+;;;  (tk-format-now "s play -blocking yes")
+;;;  (sleep 2)
+;;;  (tk-format-now "s play")
   (tcl-create-command *tki* "do-on-command" (get-callback 'do-on-command) (null-pointer) (null-pointer))
   ;; these next exist because of limitations in the Tcl API. eg, the keypress event does not
@@ -65,8 +76,10 @@
   (tk-format-now "bind . <KeyPress> {do-key-down %W %K}")
   (tk-format-now "bind . <KeyRelease> {do-key-up %W %K}")
-  (tcl-do-one-event-loop))
+  (bwhen (ifn (start-up-fn *tkw*))
+    (funcall ifn *tkw*))
+  (tcl-do-one-event-loop)
+  )
@@ -93,15 +106,27 @@
 (defmethod widget-event-handle ((self window) xe)
   (let ((*tkw* self))
-    (TRC nil "main window event" self *tkw* (xevent-type xe))
+    (unless (find (xevent-type xe) '(:MotionNotify))
+      (TRC nil "main window event" self *tkw* (xevent-type xe)))
     (flet ((give-to-window ()
              (bwhen (eh (event-handler *tkw*))
                (funcall eh *tkw* xe))))
       (case (xevent-type xe)
+        ((:focusin :focusout) (setf (^focus-state) (xevent-type xe)))
         ((:MotionNotify :buttonpress)
          #+shhh (call-dump-event client-data xe))
+        (:configurenotify
+         (setf (^width) (ekx new-width!!! parse-integer (tk-eval "winfo width .")))
+         (with-cc :height
+           (setf (^height) (parse-integer (tk-eval "winfo height ."))))
+         )
+        (:visibilitynotify
+         (mathx::a1-snack-off :startup "" 0.8))
+         (mathx::a1-snack-off :quit "-blocking yes" 0.5)
          (let ((*windows-destroyed* (cons *tkw* *windows-destroyed*)))
            (ensure-destruction *tkw*)))

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