[cells-cvs] CVS cells/cells-test

ktilton ktilton at common-lisp.net
Sat Nov 4 20:52:01 UTC 2006

Update of /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/cells-test
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv30831/cells-test

Modified Files:
	test-family.lisp test.lisp 
Log Message:
md-value -> value

--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/cells-test/test-family.lisp	2006/03/16 05:22:08	1.3
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/cells-test/test-family.lisp	2006/11/04 20:52:01	1.4
@@ -129,26 +129,26 @@
                                        (eko ("kidnos")(when (numberp mdv)
                                          (loop for kn from 1 to (floor mdv)
                                               collecting kn))))
-                        :md-value (c-in 5)
-                        :kv-key #'md-value
+                        :value (c-in 5)
+                        :kv-key #'value
                         :kid-factory (lambda (f kv)
                                       (incf kf-calls)
                                       (trc "making kid" kv)
                                       (make-instance 'bottle
                                         :fm-parent f
-                                        :md-value kv
+                                        :value kv
                                         :label (c? (format nil "bottle ~d out of ~d on the wall"
-                                                       (^md-value)
+                                                       (^value)
                                                        (length (kids f)))))))))
     (ct-assert (eql 5 kf-calls))
     (setq kf-calls 0)
-    (decf (md-value wall))
+    (decf (value wall))
     (ct-assert (eql 4 (length (kids wall))))
     (ct-assert (zerop kf-calls))
     (setq kf-calls 0)
-    (incf (md-value wall))
+    (incf (value wall))
     (ct-assert (eql 5 (length (kids wall))))
     (ct-assert (eql 1 kf-calls))
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/cells-test/test.lisp	2006/06/23 01:04:56	1.8
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/cells-test/test.lisp	2006/11/04 20:52:01	1.9
@@ -99,19 +99,19 @@
 ;; test huge number of useds by one rule
 (defmd m-index (family)
-  :md-value (c? (bwhen (ks (^kids))
-                  ;(trc "chya" (mapcar 'md-value ks))
-                  (apply '+ (mapcar 'md-value ks)))))
+  :value (c? (bwhen (ks (^kids))
+                  ;(trc "chya" (mapcar 'value ks))
+                  (apply '+ (mapcar 'value ks)))))
 (def-cell-test many-useds
     (let ((i (make-instance 'm-index)))
       (loop for n below 100
           do (push (make-instance 'model
                      :fm-parent i
-                     :md-value (c-in n))
+                     :value (c-in n))
                (kids i)))
-      (trc "index total" (md-value i))
-      (ct-assert (= 4950 (md-value i)))))
+      (trc "index total" (value i))
+      (ct-assert (= 4950 (value i)))))

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