[cells-cvs] CVS Celtk

ktilton ktilton at common-lisp.net
Thu Mar 23 18:25:24 UTC 2006

Update of /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv11130

Modified Files:
	Celtk.lisp ltktest-cells-inside.lisp menu.lisp textual.lisp 
Log Message:
Final touches on Celtk, the ltktest-cells-inside demo, and the doc in ltktest-cells-inside.lisp.

--- /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/Celtk.lisp	2006/03/23 04:22:08	1.4
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/Celtk.lisp	2006/03/23 18:25:24	1.5
@@ -75,37 +75,54 @@
 ;;;    - the executions rule is true obfuscated code. It manages to reset the count to zero
 ;;;      on repeated (setf ... 20)'s because on the second repetition we know we will hit the rule
 ;;;      with repeat non-null (20, in fact) and the ephemeral executed will be nil (because it is
-;;;      only non-nil during propagation of (setf (executed...) t).
+;;;      only non-nil during propagation of (setf (executed...) t). not for Cell noobs.
 ;;;    - holy toledo. The /rule/ for after-factory sends the after command to Tk itself! I could just
 ;;;      return a list of the delay and the callback and have an observer dispatch it, but it would
 ;;;      have to so so exactly as the rule does, by dropping it in the deferred client queue.
-;;;      so do it in the rule, I decide.
+;;;      In a sense I am starting here to leverage Cells3 queues to simplify things. Mind you, if
+;;;      Timer evolves to where we let the client write its own after factory, we might want to
+;;;      factor out the actual dispatch into an observer to make it transparent (assuming that is
+;;;      not why they are supplying their own after-factory.
+;;; Timer is totally a work-in-progress with much development ahead.
 (defmodel timer ()
   ((id :cell nil :initarg :id :accessor id :initform nil
-     :documentation "We use this as well as a flag that an AFTER is outstanding")
-   (tag :cell nil :initarg :tag :accessor tag :initform :anon)
-   (state :initarg :state :accessor state :initform (c-in :on))
-   (action :initform nil :initarg :action :accessor action)
-   (delay :initform 0 :initarg :delay :accessor delay)
-   (repeat :initform (c-in nil) :initarg :repeat :accessor repeat :unchanged-if 'never-unchanged)
-   (executed :cell :ephemeral :initarg :executed :accessor executed :initform (c-in nil))
+     :documentation "Assigned by TCL after each AFTER issued. Use to cancel.")
+   (tag :cell nil :initarg :tag :accessor tag :initform :anon
+     :documentation "A debugging aid")
+   (state :initarg :state :accessor state :initform (c-in :on)
+     :documentation "Turn off to stop, regardless of REPEAT setting")
+   (action :initform nil :initarg :action :accessor action
+     :documentation "A function (to which the timer is passed) invoked by when the TCL AFTER executes")
+   (delay :initform 0 :initarg :delay :accessor delay
+     :documentation "Millisecond interval supplied as is to TCL AFTER")
+   (repeat :initform (c-in nil) :initarg :repeat :accessor repeat :unchanged-if 'never-unchanged
+     :documentation "t = run continuously, nil = pause, a number N = repeat N times")
+   (executed :cell :ephemeral :initarg :executed :accessor executed :initform (c-in nil)
+     :documentation "Internal: set after an execution")
    (executions :initarg :executions :accessor executions
+     :documentation "Number of times timer has had its action run since the last change to  the repeat slot"
      :initform (c? (if (null (^repeat))
-                       0
+                       0 ;; ok, repeat is off, safe to reset the counter here
                      (if (^executed)
-                         (1+ .cache )
-                       0))))
-   (after-factory :initform (c? (when (and (eq (^state) :on)
-                                        (let ((execs (^executions))) ;; odd reference just to establish dependency when repeat is t
-                                          (bwhen (rpt (^repeat))
-                                            (or (eql rpt t)
-                                              (< execs rpt)))) ;; it better be a number
-                                        (with-integrity (:client `(:fini ,self)) ;; just guessing as to when, not sure it matters
-                                          (setf (id self) (after (^delay) (lambda ()
-                                                                            (funcall (^action) self)
-                                                                            (setf (^executed) t)))))))))))
+                         (1+ (or .cache 0)) ;; obviously (.cache is the prior value, and playing it safe in case unset)
+                       0)))) ;; hunh? executed is ephemeral. we are here only if repeat is changed, so reset
+   (after-factory
+    :documentation "Pure implementation"
+    :initform (c? (bwhen (rpt (when (eq (^state) :on)
+                                (^repeat)))
+                    (when (or (zerop (^executions)) (^executed)) ;; dispatch initially or after an execution
+                      (when (if (numberp rpt)
+                                (< (^executions) rpt)
+                              rpt) ;; a little redundant since bwhen checks that rpt is not nil
+                        (with-integrity (:client `(:fini ,self)) ;; just guessing as to when, not sure it matters
+                          (setf (id self) (after (^delay) (lambda ()
+                                                            (funcall (^action) self)
+                                                            (setf (^executed) t))))))))))))
 (defobserver timers ((self tk-object) new-value old-value)
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/ltktest-cells-inside.lisp	2006/03/23 04:22:08	1.4
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/ltktest-cells-inside.lisp	2006/03/23 18:25:24	1.5
@@ -4,6 +4,12 @@
 The comments throughout this source file cover two broad topics:
     How is programming with Celtk different from LTk?
+Contrast the code below with the excellent ltktest "classic" in ltk.lisp to 
+see how Celtk programming is different.
+Second topic:
     How is programming with Cells different from without Cells?
 Those questions are different because not everything different about Celtk
@@ -11,6 +17,11 @@
 The pattern will be to have explanatory comments appear after the explained code.
+n.b. The paint is very fresh on Celtk, so if something like the Timer class looks
+dumb, well, it may be. Example: the scroller class only scrolls a canvas (well, I have not tried
+supplying a frame for the canvas slot, maybe it would work, but the slot name at least is 
+certainly wrong (or the class should be canvas-scroller).
@@ -21,23 +32,25 @@
   ;    - make .x the -textvariable of .y
   ;    - set .x to "Hi, Mom"
-  ; Tk does not like Step 3 going before Step 2. Unfortunately, in a declarative paradigm
-  ; one does not specify in what order different things should happen, one just specifies
-  ; the things we want to have happen. That is a big win when it works. But when it did not
-  ; I created the concept of a so-called "client queue" where client-code could store
-  ; order-sensitive tasks, and then allowed the client also to specify the handler for
+  ; Tk does not like Step 3 going before Step 2. That is, .y will not learn about "Hi, Mom.".
+  ; Unfortunately, in a declarative paradigm one does not specify in what order different 
+  ; things should happen, one just specifies the things we want to have happen. That is 
+  ; a big win when it works. But when it did not work for Tk I added to Cells the concept 
+  ; of a "client queue" where client-code could store
+  ; order-sensitive tasks, also allowing the client to specify the handler for
   ; that queue. This handler gets called at just the right time in the larger scheme of
-  ; state propagation one needs for data integrity. Whassat?
+  ; state propagation one needs for data integrity. What is that?
-  ; Data integrity: when the overall data model gets perturbed by a SETF by imperative code 
-  ; (usually processing an event loop) of some datapoint X , we need:
+  ; Data integrity: when the overall data model gets perturbed by imperative code 
+  ; (such as code processing an event loop) executing a SETF of some datapoint X , we want
+  ; these requirements satisfied:
-  ;   - all state computed off X (directly or indirectly through some intermediate state) must be recomputed;
-  ;   - no recomputation can use datapoints not current with the new value of X;
-  ;   - when invoking client observers to process a change in a datapoint, no observer can use
-  ;     any datapoint not current with X; and a corrollary:
-  ;   - should a client observer itself want to SETF a datapoint Y, all the above must
-  ;     happen not just with values current with X, but also current with the value of Y /prior/
+  ;   - all state computed off X (directly or indirectly through some intermediate datapoint) must be recomputed;
+  ;   - recomputations must see only datapoint values current with the new value of X. This must
+  ;     work transparently, ie, datapoint accessors are responsible for returning only current values;
+  ;   - similarly, client observers ("on change" callbacks) must see only values current with the new value of X
+  ;   - a corrollary: should a client observer SETF a datapoint Y, all the above must
+  ;     happen with values current not just with X, but also with the value of Y /prior/
   ;     to the intended change to Y.
   ; To achieve the above, Cells2 and now Cells3 have taken to using FIFO "unfinished business" queues 
@@ -56,8 +69,19 @@
 ; automatically by the Cells engine. See DEFOBSERVER.
 (defmodel ltktest-cells-inside (window)
-  ()
+  ((entry-warning :reader entry-warning
+     :initform (c? (bwhen (bad-chars (loop for c across (fm!v :entry)
+                                           when (digit-char-p c)
+                                           collect c))
+                     (format nil "Please! No digits! I see ~a!!" bad-chars)))
+     ;
+     ; By the time I decided to add this demo I already had a long discussion under the get! and set! buttons, so
+     ; check those out for details.
+     ;
+     :documentation "Demonstrate live tracking of entry edit"))
+      :id :ltk-test
       :kids (c?
              ; c? has one hell of an expansion. In effect one gets:
              ;   - a first-class anonymous function with the expected body, which will have access to
@@ -65,25 +89,25 @@
              ;     computed value, if any
              ;   - guaranteed recomputation when the value of any other cell used in the computation changes
-             ; The abbreviation-challenged use c-formula instead of c?, with different syntax I do not recall
+             ; If the abbreviation bothers you, look up c-formula.
                  ; Cells GUIs get a lot of mileage out of the family class, which is perfect
-                 ; for graphical hierarchies. The deets of the-kids are of negligible interest.
+                 ; for graphical hierarchies. "the-kids" does not do much, btw.
                  (ltk-test-menus) ;; hiding some code. see defun below for deets
                   ; These "mk-" functions do nothing but expand into (make-instance 'scroller <the initarg list>).
-                  ; Where you see, say, mk-button-ex (a) I am poking fun at Microsoft naming of second generation
+                  ; Where you see, say, mk-button-ex I am (a) poking fun at Microsoft naming of second generation
                   ; library code that did not want to break existing code and (b) adding a little more value (just
                   ; inspect the macro source to see how).
                   :packing (c?pack-self "-side top -fill both -expand 1")
                   ; Here is an example of how the Family class helps. The above is one of only two packing
-                  ; statements need to recreate the ltktest demo. Other packing is handled via two
+                  ; statements needed to recreate the ltktest demo. Other packing is handled via two
                   ; slots in an inline-mixin class for various family subclasses, kids-layout and
                   ; kids-packing. The latter pulls any packing parameters and all kids into one
                   ; big pack statement kicked off by an observer on that slot. See the inline-mixin
@@ -105,7 +129,7 @@
                    ; first row parameter is a string, it knows to make a labelframe instead of plain frame)
                    ; The other thing it does, by forcing row parameters into a sub-list as the first argument,
                    ; is let the programmer then just list other widgets (see next) which are understood to
-                   ; be subwidgets contained (packed or gridded) within the frame.
+                   ; be kids/subwidgets contained (packed or gridded) within the frame.
                    (mk-row (:borderwidth 2 :relief 'sunken)
                      (mk-label :text "Rotation:")
@@ -122,12 +146,15 @@
                      ; anywhere in the tree.)
                      ; OK, now what is going on here? The above command starts the canvas display
-                     ; spinning, by tweaking the "repeat" slot of a "moire" (new ad hoc class) object 
-                     ; I created to render the pretty design from
+                     ; spinning, by tweaking (via the (setf moire-spin) defun below) the "repeat" slot of 
+                     ; an ad hoc "moire" class object created to render the pretty design from
                      ; ltktest. How it accomplishes that will be explained below in the moire class
                      ; definition.
                      (mk-button-ex ("Stop" (setf (moire-spin (fm^ :moire-1)) nil))))
+                     ;
+                     ; ditto
+                     ;
                    (mk-button-ex ("Hallo" (format T "~&Hallo")))
@@ -148,10 +175,49 @@
                    ; Thus each class uses md-value to hold something different, but in all cases it is
                    ; the current value of whatever the instance of that class is understood to hold.
+                   ; 
+                   ; The interesting question is, how does the md-value slot of the Lisp instance stay
+                   ; current with the text being edited in the Tk entry widget? Here we have a fundamental
+                   ; difference between Ltk and Celtk. Ltk lets Tk take care of everything, including
+                   ; storing the data. eg, (text my-entry) is an accessor call that asks Tk the value of
+                   ; the -text configuration for the Tk instance mirrored by my-entry. There is no text
+                   ; slot in the Lisp entry instance. But Cells works
+                   ; by having datapoints watching other datapoints, so we want data in the Lisp domain
+                   ; changing automatically as it changes on the TK side (such as when the user is actually
+                   ; typing in the entry widget). See the entry class to see how it uses the TCL "trace write"
+                   ; mechanism to keep the Lisp md-value slot abreast of the Tk entry text configuration
+                   ; keystroke by keystroke. 
+                   ; 
+                   ; I just added the entry-value slot above to demonstrate the mechanism in action. Click
+                   ; on the entry widget and type "abc123", then delete the 3, 2, and 1, keeping an eye
+                   ; on standard output.
-                   (mk-button-ex ("set!" (setf (fm^v :entry) "test of set"))))))))
+                   (mk-button-ex ("set!" (setf (fm^v :entry) "test of set")))
+                   ;
+                   ; In Ltk one would SETF (text my-entry) and the
+                   ; SETF method would communicate with Tk to make the change to the Tk widget -text
+                   ; configuration. In Celtk, the md-value slot of the entry gets changed (possibly
+                   ; triggering other slots to update, which is why we do not just talk to Tk) and
+                   ; then that value gets propagated to Tk via "set <widget path> <value>". Because
+                   ; the textVariable for every entry is the entry itself, the text of the entry
+                   ; then changes. If that sounds weird, what we are actually doing is tapping into
+                   ; Tk to a large degree taking the same approach as Cells does with the md-value
+                   ; slot: in Cells, we think of model instances as wrapping some model-specific 
+                   ; value, which is held in the md-value slot of the model instance. Tk simply
+                   ; allows a widget path to be a global variable. Furthermore, as the company name
+                   ; ActiveState suggests, Tk also provides automatic propagation: change the
+                   ; variable, and anyone with that as its textVariable also changes.
+                   )))))
+(defobserver entry-warning ()
+    ;
+    ; This demonstrates ones ability to track the text in a Tk entry while it is being
+    ; edited. As you type you should see the changing values in standard output
+    ;
+    (if new-value
+        (format t "~&User, we have a problem: ~a" new-value)
+      (when old-value
+        (format t "~&That looks better: ~a" (fm!v :entry)))))
 (defmodel ltk-test-canvas (canvas)
@@ -188,8 +254,8 @@
     ; here is a limitation with the declarative paradigm. pop-up menus are free to float about
     ; unpacked in any parent. One just needs to remember the name of the menu widget to
-    ; pass it to the pop-up function. So imperative code like ltktest original can just make the menus
-    ; saving their name in a local variable and then refer to them in a callback to pop them up.
+    ; pass it to the pop-up function. So imperative code like ltktest "classic" can just make the menus
+    ; saving their name in a closed-over local variable and then refer to them in a callback to pop them up.
     ; in the declarative paradigm we need a slot (defined for any widget or item class) in which
     ; to build and store such menus:
@@ -214,30 +280,48 @@
                 :anchor "nw"
                 :text "Ltk Demonstration")
                (make-kid 'moire :id :moire-1)))))
+               ;
+               ; we give /this/ widget a specific ID so other rules can look it up, as
+               ; discussed above when explaining fm^.
 (defmodel moire (line)
-  ((rotx :initarg :rotx :accessor rotx :initform (c-in 0)))
+  ((angle-1 :initarg :angle-1 :accessor angle-1 :initform (c-in 0)))
       :timers (c? (list (make-instance 'timer
-                            :state (c-in :on)
-                            :repeat (c-in nil)
-                            :delay 25 ;; milliseconds since this gets passed to TK after
-                            :action (lambda (timer)
-                                      (when (eq (state timer) :on)
-                                        (incf (^rotx)))))))
-    :coords (c? (let* ((angle (* 0.1 (^rotx)))
-                       (angle2 (* 0.3 angle))
-                       (wx (sin (* 0.1 angle))))
+                          ;
+                          ; it occurred to me that it might be useful to build a timer utility
+                          ; around the TCL after command. See the class definition of timer
+                          ; for the fireworks (in terms of Cells) that resulted
+                          ;
+                          :repeat (c-in nil)
+                          :delay 25 ;; milliseconds since this gets passed unvarnished to TK after
+                          :action (lambda (timer)
+                                    (when (eq (state timer) :on)
+                                      (incf (^angle-1) 0.1))))))
+    :coords (c? (let* ((angle-2 (* 0.3 (^angle-1)))
+                       (wx (sin (* 0.1 (^angle-1)))))
                   (loop for i below 100
-                      for w = (+ angle (* i 2.8001))
-                      for x = (+ (* 50 (sin angle2)) 250 (* 150 (sin w) (1+ wx)))
-                      for y = (+ (* 50 (cos angle2)) 200 (* 150 (cos w)))
+                      for w = (+ (^angle-1) (* i 2.8001))
+                      for x = (+ (* 50 (sin angle-2)) 250 (* 150 (sin w) (1+ wx)))
+                      for y = (+ (* 50 (cos angle-2)) 200 (* 150 (cos w)))
                       nconcing (list x y))))))
 (defun (setf moire-spin) (repeat self)
-  (setf (repeat (car (timers self))) repeat))
+  (setf (repeat (car (timers self))) repeat)) ;; just hiding the implementation
 (defun ltk-test-menus ()
+  ;
+  ; The only difference is that the menu structure as seen by the user
+  ; is apparent here, which might help some when reorganizing menus.
+  ;
+  ; Well, another thing which happens not to be visible here... hang on.
+  ; OK, I just made the Save menu item contingent upon there being no 
+  ; entry-warning. As you add/remove all digits (considered invalid for
+  ; demonstration purposes) the menu item becomes available/unavailable
+  ; appropriately.
+  ;
+  ; This is the kind of thing that Cells is good for.
+  ;
    :kids (c? (the-kids
               (mk-menu-entry-cascade-ex (:label "File")
@@ -246,6 +330,8 @@
                                  (lambda () (format t "~&Load pressed")))))
                 (mk-menu-entry-command :label "Save"
+                  :state (c? (if (entry-warning (fm^ :ltk-test))
+                                 :disabled :normal))
                   :command (c? (tk-callback .tkw 'save
                                  (lambda () (format t "~&Save pressed")))))
@@ -260,7 +346,13 @@
                                   (lambda () (format t "~&Png pressed"))))))
                 (mk-menu-entry-command :label "Quit"
-                  :accelerator "<Alt-q>"
+                  :accelerator "Alt-q"
+                  ;
+                  ; check out the observer on the accelerator slot of the class menu-entry-usable
+                  ; to see how Celtk fills in a gap in Tk: accelerators should work just by
+                  ; declaring them to the menu widget, it seems to me. In Celtk, they do.
+                  ;
                   :underline 1
                   :command "exit"))))))
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/menu.lisp	2006/03/22 18:50:08	1.3
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/menu.lisp	2006/03/23 18:25:24	1.4
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
   (with-integrity (:client '(:bind nil))
     (when new-value
-      (tk-format-now "bind . ~a {~a invoke ~a}" new-value (path (upper self menu)) (index self)))))
+      (tk-format-now "bind . <~a> {~a invoke ~a}" new-value (path (upper self menu)) (index self)))))
 (deftk menu-entry-cascade (selector family menu-entry-usable)
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/textual.lisp	2006/03/22 05:26:22	1.2
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/textual.lisp	2006/03/23 18:25:24	1.3
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
       :id (gentemp "ENT")
     :textvariable (c? (^path))
-      :md-value (c-in "<your string here>")))
+      :md-value (c-in "")))
 (defmethod md-awaken :after ((self entry))
   (tk-format `(:trace ,self) "trace add variable ~a write \"trc2 ~a\""

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