[cells-cvs] CVS Celtk

ktilton ktilton at common-lisp.net
Thu Mar 23 04:22:08 UTC 2006

Update of /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv23358

Modified Files:
	Celtk.lisp ltktest-cells-inside.lisp 
Log Message:
Further documentation of Celtk in ltktest-cells-inside

--- /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/Celtk.lisp	2006/03/22 18:50:08	1.3
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/Celtk.lisp	2006/03/23 04:22:08	1.4
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
     #:mk-scrolled-list #:listbox-item #:mk-spinbox
     #:mk-scroller #:mk-menu-entry-cascade-ex
     #:with-ltk #:tk-format #:send-wish #:value #:.tkw
-    #:tk-user-queue-handler #:timer #:make-timer-steps))
+    #:tk-user-queue-handler #:timer #:timers #:repeat #:executions #:state #:timer-reset #:make-timer-steps))
 (defpackage :celtk-user
   (:use :common-lisp :utils-kt :cells :celtk))
@@ -64,42 +64,55 @@
 ;;; --- timers ----------------------------------------
-(defstruct timer-steps count)
+(defun never-unchanged (new old) (declare (ignore new old)))
+;;; Now, not one but three incredibly hairy gyrations Cells-wise:
+;;;    - repeat cannot be ephemeral, but we want repeated (setf (^repeat) 20)'s each to fire,
+;;;      so we specify an unchanged-if value that always "no", lying to get propagation
+;;;    - the executions rule is true obfuscated code. It manages to reset the count to zero
+;;;      on repeated (setf ... 20)'s because on the second repetition we know we will hit the rule
+;;;      with repeat non-null (20, in fact) and the ephemeral executed will be nil (because it is
+;;;      only non-nil during propagation of (setf (executed...) t).
+;;;    - holy toledo. The /rule/ for after-factory sends the after command to Tk itself! I could just
+;;;      return a list of the delay and the callback and have an observer dispatch it, but it would
+;;;      have to so so exactly as the rule does, by dropping it in the deferred client queue.
+;;;      so do it in the rule, I decide.
 (defmodel timer ()
-  ((id :initarg :id :accessor id
-     :initform (c? (bwhen (spawn (^spawn))
-                     (apply 'after spawn))))
+  ((id :cell nil :initarg :id :accessor id :initform nil
+     :documentation "We use this as well as a flag that an AFTER is outstanding")
    (tag :cell nil :initarg :tag :accessor tag :initform :anon)
+   (state :initarg :state :accessor state :initform (c-in :on))
    (action :initform nil :initarg :action :accessor action)
    (delay :initform 0 :initarg :delay :accessor delay)
-   (repeat :initform 1 :initarg :repeat :accessor repeat)
-   (completed :cell :ephemeral :initform (c-in nil) :initarg :completed :accessor completed)
+   (repeat :initform (c-in nil) :initarg :repeat :accessor repeat :unchanged-if 'never-unchanged)
+   (executed :cell :ephemeral :initarg :executed :accessor executed :initform (c-in nil))
    (executions :initarg :executions :accessor executions
-     :initform (c? (+ (or .cache 0)
-                     (if (^completed) 1 0))))
-   (spawn :initarg :spawn :accessor spawn
-     :initform (c? (if (not (^action))
-                       (trc "Warning: timer with no associated action" self)
-                     (flet ((spawn-delayed (n)
-                              (list n (lambda ()
-                                        (funcall (^action) self)
-                                        (setf (^completed) t)))))
-                       (bwhen (repeat (^repeat))
-                         (when (or (zerop (^executions))
-                                 (^completed))
-                           (typecase repeat
-                             (timer-steps (when (< (^executions)(timer-steps-count (^repeat)))
-                                            (spawn-delayed (^delay))))
-                             (number (when (< (^executions)(^repeat))
-                                       (spawn-delayed (^delay))))
-                             (cons (bwhen (delay (nth (^executions) (^repeat)))
-                                     (spawn-delayed delay)))
-                             (otherwise (spawn-delayed (^delay))))))))))))
+     :initform (c? (if (null (^repeat))
+                       0
+                     (if (^executed)
+                         (1+ .cache )
+                       0))))
+   (after-factory :initform (c? (when (and (eq (^state) :on)
+                                        (let ((execs (^executions))) ;; odd reference just to establish dependency when repeat is t
+                                          (bwhen (rpt (^repeat))
+                                            (or (eql rpt t)
+                                              (< execs rpt)))) ;; it better be a number
+                                        (with-integrity (:client `(:fini ,self)) ;; just guessing as to when, not sure it matters
+                                          (setf (id self) (after (^delay) (lambda ()
+                                                                            (funcall (^action) self)
+                                                                            (setf (^executed) t)))))))))))
 (defobserver timers ((self tk-object) new-value old-value)
   (dolist (k (set-difference old-value new-value))
-    (after-cancel (id k)))) ;;  causes tk error if not outstanding?
+    (setf (state k) :off)
+    (when (id self)
+      (after-cancel (id k))))) ;; Tk doc says OK if cancelling already executed
 ;;; --- widget -----------------------------------------
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/ltktest-cells-inside.lisp	2006/03/22 20:41:37	1.3
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/ltktest-cells-inside.lisp	2006/03/23 04:22:08	1.4
@@ -58,55 +58,155 @@
 (defmodel ltktest-cells-inside (window)
-      :kids (c? (the-kids
+      :kids (c?
+             ; c? has one hell of an expansion. In effect one gets:
+             ;   - a first-class anonymous function with the expected body, which will have access to
+             ;   - variables self and .cache (symbol macro, last I looked) for the instance and prior
+             ;     computed value, if any
+             ;   - guaranteed recomputation when the value of any other cell used in the computation changes
+             ;
+             ; The abbreviation-challenged use c-formula instead of c?, with different syntax I do not recall
+             ;
+             (the-kids
                  ; Cells GUIs get a lot of mileage out of the family class, which is perfect
-                 ; for graphical hierarchies.
+                 ; for graphical hierarchies. The deets of the-kids are of negligible interest.
-                 (ltk-test-menus) ;; hiding some code. see below for deets
+                 (ltk-test-menus) ;; hiding some code. see defun below for deets
+                  ;
+                  ; These "mk-" functions do nothing but expand into (make-instance 'scroller <the initarg list>).
+                  ; Where you see, say, mk-button-ex (a) I am poking fun at Microsoft naming of second generation
+                  ; library code that did not want to break existing code and (b) adding a little more value (just
+                  ; inspect the macro source to see how).
+                  ;
                   :packing (c?pack-self "-side top -fill both -expand 1")
-                  :canvas (c? (make-kid 'ltk-test-canvas)))
+                  ;
+                  ; Here is an example of how the Family class helps. The above is one of only two packing
+                  ; statements need to recreate the ltktest demo. Other packing is handled via two
+                  ; slots in an inline-mixin class for various family subclasses, kids-layout and
+                  ; kids-packing. The latter pulls any packing parameters and all kids into one
+                  ; big pack statement kicked off by an observer on that slot. See the inline-mixin
+                  ; class to see how this works.
+                  ;
+                  ; See the scroller class to see some automation of grids (but this was my first experience
+                  ; with grids so look for that to get enhanced over time -- and later automation
+                  ; of the use of PLACE.
+                  ;
+                  :canvas (c? (make-kid 'ltk-test-canvas))) ;; hiding some code. see defmodel thereof below
+                  ;
+                  ; My bad. Scroller should not assume a canvas is the scrollee. To be refined.
+                  ;
                  (mk-row (:packing (c?pack-self "-side bottom"))
+                   ;
+                   ; Just expand mk-row to see what is going on. It is pretty neat in one respect: if the
+                   ; first row parameter is a string, it knows to make a labelframe instead of plain frame)
+                   ; The other thing it does, by forcing row parameters into a sub-list as the first argument,
+                   ; is let the programmer then just list other widgets (see next) which are understood to
+                   ; be subwidgets contained (packed or gridded) within the frame.
+                   ;
                    (mk-row (:borderwidth 2 :relief 'sunken)
                      (mk-label :text "Rotation:")
-                     (mk-button-ex ("Start" (setf (repeat (fm^ :moire-1)) t)))
-                     (mk-button-ex ("Stop" (setf (repeat (fm^ :moire-1)) nil))))
+                     (mk-button-ex ("Start" (setf (moire-spin (fm^ :moire-1)) t)))
+                     ;
+                     ; You were warned about mk-button-ex and its ilk above.
+                     ;
+                     ; fm^ is a wicked abbreviation for (hey, this is open source, look it up or
+                     ; macroexpand it). The long story is that the Family tree becomes effectively
+                     ; a namespace, where the ID slot is the name of a widget. I have a suite of
+                     ; routines that search the namespace by name so one widget can operate on or,
+                     ; more commonly, ask for the value of a slot of some specific widget known to
+                     ; be Out There somewhere. (Kids know their parents, so the search can reach
+                     ; anywhere in the tree.)
+                     ;
+                     ; OK, now what is going on here? The above command starts the canvas display
+                     ; spinning, by tweaking the "repeat" slot of a "moire" (new ad hoc class) object 
+                     ; I created to render the pretty design from
+                     ; ltktest. How it accomplishes that will be explained below in the moire class
+                     ; definition.
+                     ;
+                     (mk-button-ex ("Stop" (setf (moire-spin (fm^ :moire-1)) nil))))
                    (mk-button-ex ("Hallo" (format T "~&Hallo")))
                    (mk-button-ex ("Welt!" (format T "~&Welt")))
                    (mk-row (:borderwidth 2
                              :relief 'sunken)
                      (mk-label :text "Test:")
-                     (mk-button-ex ("OK:" (setf (repeat (fm^ :moire-1)) (make-timer-steps :count 20)))))
+                     (mk-button-ex ("OK:" (setf (moire-spin (fm^ :moire-1)) 20))))
                    (mk-entry :id :entry)
                    (mk-button-ex ("get!" (format t "~&content of entry: ~A" (fm^v :entry))))
+                   ;
+                   ; fm^v -> (md-value (fm^ ....
+                   ;
+                   ; The idea being that every Cells model object has an md-value slot bearing the value
+                   ; of the thing being modeled. Here, the entry widget is modelling a place for users
+                   ; to supply information to an application, and the md-value slot is a good place to
+                   ; keep that information.
+                   ;
+                   ; Thus each class uses md-value to hold something different, but in all cases it is
+                   ; the current value of whatever the instance of that class is understood to hold.
+                   ;
                    (mk-button-ex ("set!" (setf (fm^v :entry) "test of set"))))))))
 (defmodel ltk-test-canvas (canvas)
       :id :test-canvas
     :scroll-region '(0 0 500 400)
     :gridding "-row 0 -column 0 -sticky news"
-    :xscrollcommand (c-in nil) ;; see initialize-instance of canvas for gory details
-    :yscrollcommand (c-in nil)
-    :bindings (c? (list (list "<1>" (lambda (event)
-                                      (pop-up (car (^menus))
+    ;
+    ; As with packing, Celtk tries to simplify life with Tk gridding. But that is achieved partly
+    ; by automating things as with the kids-packing and kids-layout slots, and partly by staying
+    ; out of the programmer's way and letting them specify actual Tk code to be passed unfiltered
+    ; to Tk. The design choice here is to acknowledge that LTk and Celtk users really are still
+    ; doing Tk programming; only some automation (and Lispification) is provided.
+    ;
+    ; This also simplifies Celtk since it just has to pass the Tk code along with "grid <path> "
+    ; appended.
+    ;
+    :xscrollcommand (c-in nil) ;; see canvas class for the Tk limitation behind this nonsense
+    :yscrollcommand (c-in nil) ;; in brief, Tk needs the concept of "late binding" on widget names
+    :bindings (c? (list (list "<1>" (lambda (event) 
+                                      ;
+                                      ; Stolen from the original. It means "when the left button is
+                                      ; pressed on this widget, popup this menu where the button was pressed"
+                                      ;
+                                      (pop-up (car (^menus)) ;; (^menus) -> (menus self)
                                         (event-root-x event)
                                         (event-root-y event))))))
-    :menus (c? (the-kids (mk-menu
-                          :kids (c? (the-kids
-                                     (mapcar (lambda (spec)
-                                               (destructuring-bind (lbl . out$) spec
-                                                 (mk-menu-entry-command
-                                                  :label lbl
-                                                  :command (c? (tk-callback .tkw (gentemp "MNU")
-                                                                 (lambda ()
-                                                                   (format t "~&~a" out$)))))))
-                                       (list (cons "Option 1" "Popup 1")
-                                         (cons "Option 2" "Popup 2")
-                                         (cons "Option 3" "Popup 3"))))))))
+    ;
+    ; an observer on the bindings slot (a) registers a callback and (b) passes along
+    ; to Tk an appropriate BIND command
+    ;
+    :menus
+    ;
+    ; here is a limitation with the declarative paradigm. pop-up menus are free to float about
+    ; unpacked in any parent. One just needs to remember the name of the menu widget to
+    ; pass it to the pop-up function. So imperative code like ltktest original can just make the menus
+    ; saving their name in a local variable and then refer to them in a callback to pop them up.
+    ;
+    ; in the declarative paradigm we need a slot (defined for any widget or item class) in which
+    ; to build and store such menus:
+    ;
+    (c? (the-kids
+         (mk-menu 
+          :kids (c? (the-kids
+                     (mapcar (lambda (spec)
+                               (destructuring-bind (lbl . out$) spec
+                                 (mk-menu-entry-command
+                                  :label lbl
+                                  :command (c? (tk-callback .tkw (gentemp "MNU")
+                                                 (lambda ()
+                                                   (format t "~&~a" out$)))))))
+                       (list (cons "Option 1" "Popup 1")
+                         (cons "Option 2" "Popup 2")
+                         (cons "Option 3" "Popup 3"))))))))
     :kids (c? (the-kids
@@ -116,17 +216,14 @@
                (make-kid 'moire :id :moire-1)))))
 (defmodel moire (line)
-  ((rotx :initarg :rotx :accessor rotx :initform (c-in 0))
-   (repeat :initarg :repeat :accessor repeat :initform (c-in nil)))
+  ((rotx :initarg :rotx :accessor rotx :initform (c-in 0)))
-      :timers (c? (when (^repeat)
-                      (list (make-instance 'timer
-                              :tag :moire
-                              :delay 25
-                              :repeat (let ((m self))
-                                        (c? (repeat m)))
-                              :action (lambda (timer)
-                                        (declare (ignore timer))
+      :timers (c? (list (make-instance 'timer
+                            :state (c-in :on)
+                            :repeat (c-in nil)
+                            :delay 25 ;; milliseconds since this gets passed to TK after
+                            :action (lambda (timer)
+                                      (when (eq (state timer) :on)
                                         (incf (^rotx)))))))
     :coords (c? (let* ((angle (* 0.1 (^rotx)))
                        (angle2 (* 0.3 angle))
@@ -137,6 +234,8 @@
                       for y = (+ (* 50 (cos angle2)) 200 (* 150 (cos w)))
                       nconcing (list x y))))))
+(defun (setf moire-spin) (repeat self)
+  (setf (repeat (car (timers self))) repeat))
 (defun ltk-test-menus ()

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